Long days and longer nights are the fate of every college student. Exams, projects galore, and a constant stream of commitment would put even the most strong-willed to sleep. If you're anything like me, you've developed a pretty hefty caffeine addiction and owe all your success to the 1 a.m. coffee and noon Red Bull.
1. It's never too late for coffee. It could be 7 a.m. when you're getting up for the day, or 1 a.m. when you're about to go to bed, and whether or not you actually have any work to do, a cup of coffee will always hit the spot:
2. As 2 p.m. rolls around, your first thought is how good it would be to grab a Red Bull to drink with lunch to get you through the next few hours:
3. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty much essential when you have any work to do:
Step one: gather your work. Step two: grab an energy drink. Step three: get sh*t done.
4. You pretty much know that you have no meal points or money left in your account because of how much money you've spent on your caffeine addiction:
No wonder why they call caffeine a drug.
5. People know not to talk to you before you've gotten your daily dose of caffeine because you will hit them:
6. You may or may not be ever-so-slightly sexually attracted to a nice hot cup of coffee:
Who needs a man when coffee will keep you warm at night?
7. You'd do anything for a fix to help get you through:
8. People will stop and tell you how bad drinking four Red Bulls and three cups of coffee a day is for you, but to you it's worth your impending heart attack:
I'd rather die happy with a Red Bull than sad and majorly under-caffeinated.
9. You're contemplating giving a shout out to caffeine when you graduate because you know it was the real MVP these last four (or more) years:
10. You plan your day around when you can get your next fix:
"Sorry I can't hang out then, I'm due for another cup at three, but maybe after?"
Hopelessly addicted and forever committed, thank you caffeine for enabling me to get out of bed in the morning and convincing me not to drop out of school.