Going to a small college can be a blessing and a curse. There are ups and downs no matter what, but being able to see the light in small schools can make all the difference. Although it may not be a huge party school, and people will say you "aren't going to get the real college experience" you chose a small school for a reason. People who go to small colleges know these things to be true.
1. Your professors know you by name.
You aren't just a number when you go to a small school; your professors and faculty take the time to get to know you and are willing to work with you to ensure you accomplish everything you're hoping to.
2. You know a majority, if not all, of the people on campus.
Every time you walk out of a building, you are almost guaranteed to see a familiar face.
3. You notice when new people are on campus.
"Who is this person?" is a common question you find yourself asking when you see an unfamiliar face walking through campus.
4. You can get to class quickly.
Being able to get up 10 minutes before your class, get dressed and make it to your building on time is a beautiful thing. You don't have to worry about waiting for a shuttle or walking 20 minutes in the freezing cold to make it to class.
5. The cafeteria staff knows what you get to eat.
When you walk up to order your food and before you say anything, the man behind the counter nods and starts making your chicken quesadilla.
6. Having a small but close group of friends.
When you go to a small school, there is a really good chance that you meet a group of people during the first few weeks of school and they will stick with you throughout your time there.
7. You have to venture off of campus to have fun.
Spending nights in the dorm building can get old. Going to a smaller school means having to go off of campus to go out to parties or establish a larger social life.
8. Gossip spreads like it did it high school.
The worst part about going to a small school is the fact that gossip spreads quickly. When something happens, everyone knows about it within the next 24 hours.
9. No one ever knows where your school is.
"Where do you go to school...Oh, never heard of it." More often than not, people are unaware that the school you go to even exists.
10. You love your small school.
Despite what negative things people have to say, you take pride in choosing a small school. The unique experience of going to a small school is something not everyone will have.