Okay, I admit that I probably do more online shopping than the average person. There's just nothing like the rush of adding things to your cart and having it arrive at your doorstep a week later. I wouldn't go as far as to say I am addicted but they do say that denial is the first sign of addiction. If you relate to these 10 signs then you are probably addicted to online shopping and if you want to deny it (like myself) go right ahead.
1. You have about 10 tabs open and they are all online stores
2. You try telling yourself you don't need it
3. You add things to your cart for fun
4. You constantly are thinking about shopping
5. You have coupon extensions downloaded on your computer
6. You obsessively track your packages
7. Once you buy something you go right back to shopping
8. Your closet is super full
9. You try to hide the fact that you online shopped.
10. If there's free shipping, you're 100% there.
Admitting your addiction is the first step in recovery but I totally understand if you don't want to recover...