It's officially midterm season, which means you're probably spending way too much time with your nose buried in a study guide and drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee. Sometimes we just need to take a break and watch some TV. But, a lot of the times we turn on the TV and only find shows dealing with topics as intense and real as those that we are trying to escape. Particularly when school stress gets to be too much we just need a break from the adult world. If that's where you are right now, check out these 10 shows from your childhood that will definitely help you escape to a simpler time of razor scooters and dunkaroos.
1. Rugrats.
Rugrats was the staple of any weekend TV schedule. You used love following Tommy and Chucky’s misadventures. Every time Phil & Lil fought you giggled and thought of your own fights with your siblings. Even though Netflix doesn’t have the full series, you can still take a study break and watch the Rugrats movie. Can you still hum along to the theme song?
2. Full House. ![]()
Remember those days when you would stay up late just to watch Full House on Nick at Nite? Or what about when they had reruns after school and you would race home, grab a snack, and plop down in front of the TV to see your favorite Uncle Jessie? Plus, now with Fuller House on Netflix you can keep the nostalgia going.
3. All That.
It’s like Saturday Night Live but for 90s kids! I’m sure you remember this hilarious sketch show and it’s cast of wacky characters. Relive your youth laughing along to “The Hillbilly Moment” or “Moody’s Point”. “Where’s my toe?”
4. Hey Arnold.
Stoop kid won’t leave the stoop! If you don’t leave the library soon the staff will start chanting their own version of this to you. Put the books away for a while and watch some Hey! Arnold. What’s better than watching football head and his crew on their misadventures. Warning: You may start to realize that you were exactly like Helga with your elementary school crushes.5. Drake & Josh.
Who didn’t love Drake and Josh? This classic Nickelodeon show holds a special place in our hearts. Watch the hilarity of the brothers as they navigate school, life, and their little sister Megan. Hug me, brotha!6. Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Remember how excited Bill Nye used to make you about science? Remember the moment you decided you wanted to study science? I’m sure that was before you took Organic Chemistry. Take a break from those equations and cozy up with your old friend Bill. Plus, this counts as studying, right?
7. Spongebob Squarepants.
8. Boy Meets World.
Topanga and Corey were always relationship goals, right? Go back and relive their amazing romance by watching Boy Meets World. Think back on the simpler days of high school and wish you had a teacher as cool as Mr. Feeney (or remember the teacher that was that cool). Finished Boy Meets World? Check out the new Disney Channel series “Girl Meets World”. It’s, admittedly, quite cute.9. Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Remember all the amazing reruns that used to come on after school? Sabrina the Teenage Witch was undoubtedly one of the best ones. Now more than ever you’ll appreciate her cynical and sarcastic cat sidekick, Salem. Grab yourself a fruit rollup and watch some Sabrina the Teenage Witch, you’ll be happy you did.10. That 70's Show.
Another great show that used to come on during the after school line up of re runs. You never understood what exactly they were doing in the basement as a kid, but now you definitely do. Laugh at Kelso’s obvious stupidity, relate to Eric’s constant teasing, and have your heart warmed by a group of friends that might just remind you of your own squad.