Now that summer is beginning and there's no more homework or finals stress, Netflix is most definitely on the top of the priority list this summer. Here is a list of the most binge-worthy shows on Netflix:
1. "Unbreakable: Kimmy Schmidt"
Imagine living underground for years, then having to figure out life in the Big Apple. Kimmy Schmidt is living it for you. Her crazy toddler outfits and ignorance of the world will make you laugh until you cry!
2. "Grey's Anatomy"
3. "One Tree Hill"
Between the drama, the basketball, and the HOT guys, this show will keep you on your seat until the very end of the season.
4. "Gossip Girl"
Again, another show that doesn't need explanation. What more could you ask from Upper East Siders? XOXO
Because who doesn't love a group of friends living in NYC?
6. "New Girl"
One girl living with three men? Of course this show is crazy and hilarious.
7. "Scandal"
Politics, sex, love, and murder; what else could you want?
8. "Revenge"
Again, more love, more sex, more murder. Life is crazy in the Hamptons.
9. "How I Met Your Mother"
Just another group of friends living in NYC. Will definitely have you dying of laughter. It's pretty Legen- wait for it- dary.
10. "Fuller House"
Growing up watching Full House you loved the Tanner family. What's better than the girls grown up and living in our favorite San Fransisco house?
11. "Private Practice"
More medical drama shows? Of course! It's amazing what miss Addison Montgomery can do when she decides to move to California to open her own practice.
Whether it is drama, action, or comedy, there is a show for everyone! Start your show now! Happy binge watching!