1 month down, roughly 33.33% of the semester in, and we're all starting to hit that wall. The I'm homesick, I miss my pets, I'm actually sick, I want a home cooked meal, I need a break kind of point. It's the point of the year where the ways we take care of ourselves start to become crucial. What is self-care though and who needs it? Well, everyone needs it. It is not just for those who suffer from extreme stress or mental health conditions. Self-care is any activity that brings YOU joy that isn't a required activity in your day; something you do to simply take time away from your everyday hustle and bustle and become more self-aware and relaxed. If you are new to the concept of self-care, have no fear. These are the 10 most common methods I have heard people use, and I recommend trying many before you find the one that's best for you.
1. Art
Art is an extremely popular way for people to step back from the crazy world we live in. Coloring, painting, drawing, etc. requires attention to detail and imagination; it allows us to express ourselves in ways that jobs and classroom projects typically don't.
2. Sports
A very typical answer for athletes. But as a former athlete myself, I completely get it. Sports allow you to feel connected to a different world, you get out aggressions, you have a different persona on the field/track/court, and the adrenaline and endorphins really boost your mood.
3. Fitness
No, I do not mean you have to go run miles or lift weights. If that's what you're into, however, go for it! For those who are different, yoga and going for walks while listening to your favorite music work just as wonderful to disconnect you from your stresses.
4. Showering
Who doesn't love a hot shower that washes away the grime of the day? This one really doesn't need explaining.
5. Cooking
I personally like to add dancing to this category too, but that's just me. If you really love being in the kitchen (whether it's for the end result of food, the orderly process of the recipe, or the scents that go along with cooking) this is a great self-care technique to try.
6. Talking
This one is especially helpful for girls but can benefit guys as well. If you have an anxious brain that does not like to shut off, it can really help to just sit down with good friends and word-vomit everything out. Grab some coffee, have regular dinner at your dining hall, call our mom, see a therapist that you relate to like an aunt or cousin, anyone. It can really help to take that time and get everything off your chest and not feel so alone in your problems.
7. Watching TV or Movies
Got a favorite show? Watch a few episodes. No, not binge it for the entire day so you get no work done and end up MORE stressed out in the end. Just take a break for yourself and treat yourself for being alive, getting out of bed, and getting to classes before you tackle the homework staring back at you.
8. Reading
I'm not much of a reader myself, so I know some people may just skip over this category and go "psh, yeah no thanks." But books really are micro-worlds within our worlds. Each one holds a multitude of characters so well developed they feel as if they're real and, if they're really good, you can get trapped in one and forget about your own world for just a little while.
9. Writing
Journals and diaries have been around for years so this really isn't anything new. Dream journals, workout goals, to-do lists, creative writing, planners, etc. Whatever it is that will benefit YOU: do it. Need to better organize your life? Get a planner. Have a cluttered mind with racing thoughts? Maybe creative writing can help clear some space.
10. Driving
Roll down the windows, turn up the tunes and get lost for a half an hour or so. We all have smartphones with GPS to get us back to where we need to be: so go explore! Forget about that stupid paper due in 3 days that's eating away at you and get some fresh air into your system.