Last Tuesday concluded the first season of former "King of Queens" star, Leah Remin's documentary series on the Church of Scientology. The seven-episode series of "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath" looks intensively into Remini's and many others' public and not-so-public splits from the church. The show, shocking to nearly all that tuned in, revealed the hidden risks to joining the Church of Scientology revealing stories of abuse, neglect, conflict, and plain science fiction. Here we look at those top 10 secrets revealed in "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath."
1. The founder, L. Ron Hubbard, gained popularity through writing fantasy and science fiction stories published in magazines.
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L. Ron Hubbard developed Scientology after serving in the U.S. Navy for some time and then writing short story science fiction which is easily seen in the belief system of Scientology.
2. The show's network, A&E, received flack from the Church and its members regarding the trustworthiness of those participating in the show.
See more of the aftermath letters directly from the Church of Scientology here.
3. There have been numerous reports of physical abuse within the Church, many stemming from the Chair of the Board, David Miscavige.
Former elite members of Scientology like Jeff Hawkins have reported: “David Miscavige physically assaulted me five separate times” and“then, finally, he jumps up on the table, launches himself at me, knocks me back against the partition wall, starts hammering my face, knocks me down on the floor. I was scratched up. My shirt was ripped off.”
4. Celebrities are looked at highly in Scientology and those with the most money pay to get higher in their faith
It is known widely that celebrities like Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley, and John Travolta are deep into Scientology and have been for decades. However, it is not disclosed to the public the extremely high cost of books, courses, and therapies used to launch one into the upper ranks of Scientology. Costs rocket into the hundreds of thousands of dollars to remain in the faith.
5. Core beliefs of Scientology are kept confidential until the parishioner achieves high levels of "The Bridge to Total Freedom."
As members move up the Bridge, they unlock new abilities, however, even upper levels are "confidential until released" to members of Scientology. Are they confidential? Or non-existent?
6. The elite members of Scientology and those in "the Sea Org" undergo extensive screening called "auditing."
Auditing allows members to "travel to higher states of spiritual awareness " by "delete[ing] life’s painful experiences... improv[ing] one’s ability to confront and handle the factors in his life." These sessions are paid for by the parishioner and while the cost is not disclosed by the church, it is said that these sessions can range between $300-$800 per hour.
7. Members are required to submit "knowledge reports" of other members if they witness something non-optimal or unethical in the eyes of Scientology.
Scientologists are known for submitting these reports on family members, close friends, and even elite members of the church, putting them up for "security checks," a more intense version of auditing.
8. If parishioners speak out against Scientology or have someone close to them that is, they run the risk of being "disconnected" from the Church, and those still in it (including family), forever.
Disconnection is a policy in Scientology that if a member is having "trouble making spiritual progress in his auditing or training if he is connected to someone who is suppressive or who is antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets " one is highly encouraged (in some stories, forced) to "disconnect" or stop communication with that person.
9. Even those not members of the Church can be declared as "suppressive persons."
With its outrageous policies and beliefs, it is not surprising the Church of Scientology has a lengthy list of enemies of the Church these enemies are deemed "suppressive persons," these can be ex-members of the Church or even a reporter like John Sweeny who, like many, have investigated the outcries of those splitting from the Church.
10. The Church of Scientology will work their hardest to bring down their critics.
The Church has been known to set private investigators and security to dig up dirt on critics and ex-members of the Church. Websites are created to display this "crimes" to the public. This practice is previously known as "Fair Game" where enemies of the Church "may be tricked, sued or lied to, or destroyed." However, many dispute that the policy was done away with years ago.
The astonishing fact about Scientology is that this "bad" publicity is still considered good in their eyes. The Church of Scientology is still one of the fastest growing religions in the world. And there is currently no official word on a second season of "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath." Here's hoping there is. More answers and revelations need to be exposed and brought to light.
This religion/cult/moneymaker/empire needs to be brought to light.