By no means am I a dermatology professional or skin care expert. I simply am a college student that has struggled with acne for years. Therefore, I know my way around cleansers, toners, moisturizers, serums, and so many more products. Acne destroyed my self esteem for years and affected the way I presented myself. Now that I have an established skincare routine, my skin is flourishing and so am I. Realizing that acne can be detrimental to self esteem, I wanted to share some skincare tips that have saved my life and might help other people out there. Right now is probably one of the most stressful times of the year, with first tests rolling around. People might be giving up self care to sacrifice for studying but here are some quick tips that will get you through even the most difficult of times.
DISCLAIMER: Everyone's skin is different and different things work for different people.
Take of your makeup as soon as you don't need it.
I have always heard to take off my makeup before I go to sleep. However, I have found much more success in taking it off as soon as I don't need to go anywhere else. I have super sensitive skin so I feel like letting the makeup sit there for more than necessary will do more harm.
Go to a dermatologist.
You might be thinking "duh, this is a no brainer." However, these people get paid to know skin. My dermatologist has been a life saver. I also recognize that not everyone can afford to go to the derm. However if you have access, they can hugely improve your skin.
Close pores with cold water after a shower/washing your face.
I am super lazy and I wash my face in the shower. I have discovered, though, that as long as I close my pores with cold water, I don't need to wash my face over the skin with water dripping down my arms. Not doing this will allow pores to absorb all the germs and dirt from your surroundings, resulting in blackhead or even worse, pustules. It takes maybe thirty seconds and makes all the difference.
Don't overuse products.
Cleansers, masks, toners, moisturizers, serums, OH MY! Using all these products can cause build up and make your skin worse. Find the ones that work for you and stick to them.
Know your skin type.
I still struggle with this one because your skin can change depending on a variety of factors. However, if you take the time and get to know your skin, you will be able to find the products that work for you.
Limit your intake of sugar.
I have an intense sweet tooth so I understand how difficult this may be. However, find literally any area to eliminate. I only drink water and green tea, therefore limiting my intake of sugar through sweet drinks and soda. Find what works for you and moderate.
Find a way to relax.
Telling this to students is a mute point, I'm aware. However, stress is a major contributor to breakouts and by limiting stress, you will be able to see a sparkling difference.
Avoid touching your face.
This is a repeat of literally every beauty guru. However, this is so important. You carry around germs form everything you've touched from the day. When you touch your face, you are basically depositing bacteria from your hand into your pores and providing them an environment to fester. I know, disgusting.
Read the ingredients on your products.
Different ingredients work for different people and if you keep buying a product with a trigger in it, you won't be able to make your skin look better. It's all about being aware of what works for you.
Watch your diet.
What you put into your body is going to come out in some shape or form. If you eat foods that are greasy or sugary in nature, you may see an increase in breakouts. Again, moderation is key.
While I know acne is stressful, remember that it is natural. Everyone gets acne sometimes. It is nothing to feel ashamed about.