You suffer through four long years of high school. Dealing with the same attitudes and the same boring people year after year. Finally, your chance out of your stagnant hometown presents itself. It's called college. But going to the university in the next town over isn't enough. Everyone from high school is going there and it's going to be the same atmosphere just bigger. It's basically high school continued.
So then you expand your horizons. You search and, with a little help from the internet, you find the perfect school. It has the major(s) you're interested in, it has the atmosphere you want, it's far away from everything you've ever known. The perfect school.
It's everything you've ever wanted and you made it happen!
But then reality hits and everything is suddenly slightly more complicated than originally anticipated to be.
1. How are you getting to school?
Sure you've got your tuition paid, but do you know how you're going to physically get there?
2. Sure hope you're fond of google maps because it may save your life.
3. That place you love back home doesn't exist where you are now.
4. I hope you know that you've never experienced [insert actual weather here].
5. Keeping in touch is actually harder than it sounds.
6. Your pet is in another state.
7. If you get sick, you're on your own.
8. You have to listen to your friends cry about how 'far away' their family is when they only live 2 hours away. And you're just like...
9. Going home for some breaks is not an option.
Do you remember #1?
10. You actually chose this life.
But it's all okay because you actually chose this life. You made an adult decision and you aren't dead yet! Good job and stay strong.