John Green once said, “Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting.” I'd like to believe that holds truth in almost all cases -- especially when it is a quote by Rupi Kaur. If you are unaware of who she is, she writes beautifully honest poems on everyday occurrences and feelings that modern day women may have or will endure.
Let's take a look.
1. Feminism, in the most tasteful way.
2. Why do people get so upset when others succeed?
3. Think before you speak. Listen to the words that roll off your tongue.
4. We are SO much more than appearance.
5. If you are searching for your "better half," start searching within yourself first.
6. Put. Yourself. First.
7. You aren't alone -- we've all been through something that changed our lives.
8. Well, damn