Let's see. It's 9:05pm right now, and my family and I are leaving for Yellowstone tomorrow at 5am. My bags are unpacked. I'm terrified of forgetting some important... something. And so, to make your future road trip packing (and my current road trip packing) easier, here are 10 road trip essentials, other than basic clothes and toiletries, that you (and I) should absolutely not forget!
1. THE Essentials
The ABSOLUTE essentials: you can't go on a road trip, or any trip, without your phone, wallet, car keys, and (the commonly forgotten) house keys. Make sure you have a way to pay for your meals, drive your car, and get back into your house after the adventure ends!
So important, in fact, that you can get a floor mat for a daily reminder to grab THE essentials before you leave your house.
2. Headphones or Earbuds
Most especially for the passengers in these wonderful road trip excursions, music is of absolute necessity. Especially if your music taste doesn't quite align with the driver's.
3. Sunscreen
For good reason, most road trips happen in the summer. And for good reason, sunscreen should always, always be reapplied every few hours, especially when you're toasting under the summer sun.
4. Car Snacks
My sister won't let us leave the house until the car is packed to the brim with snacks. Crackers, pretzels, nuts, grapes, carrots, bagels, cream cheese, scones, and more. Just a reminder: sure, dry foods and trail mixes are easiest to bring, but fruits and vegetables that keep well are always refreshing on a long car ride!
5. Water Bottle
Self explanatory, really. Grab those water bottles and stay hydrated!
6. Glasses/Contacts/Contact Solution
This one may not apply to everyone, but for the people it does apply to: no trip with be fun if you can't see! Remember to bring the contact case, solution, and extra pair of contacts if you can!
7. Trash Bags
Trash bags in the car are always convenient, especially if you'll be eating during the road trip. It's also not a bad idea to bring some extra plastic bags for wet clothes or dirty shoes.
8. Light Jacket/Layers
You should always research the weather forecast for where you'll be driving through and your final destination, but even if it's predicted to be warm, be prepared with a light jacket. Layers will also protect against harsh air conditioning.
9. Car Phone Charger
If you'll be using your phone as a GPS quite frequently, car phone chargers are phenomenal reassurances that you won't get lost on the way to your final destination.
10. Patience, Enthusiasm, and Flexibility
Bathroom breaks will have to happen, as will gas breaks, meal breaks, and driver changes. Lunch will take longer than expected, hotels will be fully booked. In the end, road trips are fun because of the adventure itself, and because of your company. Be patient, enthusiastic, and flexible and your road trip will turn out just fine, regardless of the many obstacles you may run into!