It's no secret that growing up in the 21st century is definitely a unique experience. For any 90s or 2000s babies, we've seen the epitome of the change when it comes to communication and social media. Most likely our first phone was an LG Shine (mirrors on phones were cool, right?) or a Razr, but we've been through it all as countless of new apps and devices were created. With these advances, however, have come a lot of frustrations which are absolutely absurd when you stop and think about it. By no means am I excluding myself from this, but our generation obsesses over things that are seemingly ridiculous. Here are just a few examples...
When someone texts you "K" or "K."
Rewind about 10 years, and this "K" abbreviation was just a simple way to save a few characters and cut down the phone bill. But no, in 2016, this is the ultimate insult. You might as well just slap them in the face at this point, honestly.
When your phone company texts you that you ran out of data
I'm sure we have all experienced the dreaded text from the short, four-digit phone number that provides you with a link to your phone bill... Ah, good times!
When someone with read receipts reads your text and doesn't respond
Without the iPhone, this was never a big deal because no one knew whether their friend was ignoring them or if their text fell into a black hole. But thanks to the read receipts, it is made crystal clear when someone doesn't want to talk to you.
When your charger doesn't reach your bed
As ridiculous as this seems, I'm sure this frustration is one of the most common among this generation. Get into bed after a long day with a dead phone and all you want to do is go on your phone while charging it, right?
When Snapchat got rid of the 'Best Friend List' feature
As much as we all hate to admit it, everyone used this feature to their advantage and was heartbroken when they took it away. After all, this was practically a girls' only chance to catch a f*ck boy in action, right?
When you follow someone on social media and they don't follow you back
Not getting a follow back, I mean, there's clearly something wrong with you, right? You're definitely not good enough for them and they probably hate you. Kidding... but for some reason, this is the ultimate insult nowadays.
Not getting enough likes on your Instagram
We all know the feeling... You take that great picture that you think is going to rack up the likes instantly, and the hearts slowly stop appearing on your notifications. Definitely a solid level of disappointment to say the least.
When you go somewhere without Wi-Fi
Whether or not you have data, going somewhere without Wi-Fi is frustrating. It shouldn't be a big deal at all, but for some reason it really is. I mean, having an actual conversation at dinner is so painful, why wouldn't a restaurant have public Wi-Fi, right?
When you get a Snapchat but no text back
A common offense performed by many. Our generation basically says this is when you're good enough to get a two second picture of someone's face with a dog filter or a rainbow tongue on them, but the other person is clearly not really trying to pursue an actual conversation with you.
When someone Snapchats you their Snapchat story
Talk about a classic case of mass Snapchatting. You think you're all special until you're going through your friends' stories at the end of them when they were sent to you.