Let's face it, everyone is super excited for the semester to be over. Heck, even I am and I have some major mixed feelings about what the semester ending means for me. Overall, everyone is just over all of the stress of finals. Sometimes in the chaos of all that stress, you get overwhelmed. So here are just a few things you need to be reminded of as the semester comes to an end.
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1) Your grades do not define you
Take this one very seriously. Your GPA is not what people are going to remember about you years from now. You also need to remember that sometimes you might have a rough semester and your grades might not be so hot, but you can just try even harder next semester.
2) One C will not be the end of the world
Back to the pervious point, grades do not define you. That one C will not screw up your entire future. Don't worry, I used to be the person that thought that too. In the long run, you won't even remember that C, or even the class.
3) Next semester will be even better
We're just going to stay positive and think this is true until prove otherwise. It always helps me to start off a new semester on a positive vibe. You know what mistakes you made this semester and now you know how to avoid them. You can avoid everything that ever made this semester suck. So, either way, next semester will at least be a little better.
4) You get a month off school, YAY
Now this is hands down what most people are excited about. Just keep this in mind as you're struggling through the next two weeks. A month of no homework or tests. A month of stress free relaxation. You can handle two more weeks.
5) If the person you're talking to isn't serious, drop them
Flings are fun but know your self worth. If they have been around all semester and nothing has progressed, you're probably better off without them. Leave them in the past and move on to what you deserve. Now, if you're like me and like the chill thing you have going on with someone, just make sure you can handle it not going any further than it has. Possibly never.
6) This is your time to drop fake or drama filled friends
Now unlike the previous point, there is no exception to this. If they are not improving your life in any way, drop them. You only need positive people in your life or they're only going to drag you down. You have to put in effort if you want next semester to be the best ever.
7) You're like really pretty
Okay, this is just something everyone needs to hear frequently. No matter who you are, you're absolutely gorgeous in your own way. Never forget that. When the stress of the next two weeks becomes too much, just repeat something like that in your head. It will make you smile and help give you killer confidence to pass those finals.
8) It's the most wonderful time of the year
See my previous article if you need more proof on this. Seriously though, let the Christmas spirit lift you up. Maybe even start celebrating early to keep the stress to a minimum.
9) Stress is really bad for you
I promise I'm not saying this to freak you out or anything, but it is something you should keep in mind. Stress can do some crazy things to your body, I would know firsthand. Thanks to all the stress, I had a slight breakdown this past week and I would hate for that to happen to any of you. Take study breaks. Destress every night. Study with friends so that it's actually fun. Whatever it takes to keep your head in a good place.
10) New year, fresh start
2016 has sucked majorly. So now we get to look forward to all 2017 has to offer. We can only hope that it will be ten times better. With that being said, it's a new year. Make some new goals. Strive to better yourself. Make the most of next semester, and next year.