Recently my older sister and best friend, gave birth to twin boys. They are perfect and precious and easily the cutest babies ever to have lived, not to be bias or anything, but these are facts. However, it was not until this dynamic duo made their appearance, did I realize that we as a society say really obvious and interesting things to mothers of twins. So if you are a mother to twins, I hope you find some humor in this and if you are someone who catches themselves saying these things, well we're laughing with you, not at you!
1. Are They Twins?
Nope. Actually, I don't even know this other baby, I just dressed him up exactly like my child and started strolling him around the grocery with us. Crazy how they look alike.
2. I Bet You Have Your Hands Full!
Surprisingly enough, they do everything for themselves and people never get them confused. This is actually really easy.
3. Do You Ever Get Them Mixed Up?
I'm really not sure which kid is which, I just yell a name and hope I get the one I want. Fingers crossed!
4. You're So Little! You Had Twins?
This one is acceptable. You can say this every day.
5. Birthday Parties Are Probably Crazy!
Chuck E. Cheese, bowling, cook out at the house, no matter what the kids have to agree on the part and there is double the screaming kids, with double the food, double the presents, and double the noise.
6. That's So Fun! Your Kids Have A Live-In Best Friend!
Most things are a competition and yes there has to be a winner, but in the end, there is love between them...somewhere.
7. I'm Sure You Don't Pick Favorites *Winks At Both Parents*
There is no such thing as a favorite child...However, the one that's NOT running around like a moron and screaming mom constantly, is definitely a strong contender for first.
8. *When Both Kids Are Running Around Like Monsters And All The Other Parents Smile At You*
9. Are You Ready For Two More?
Nancy, I wasn't even prepared for the first two, how in the world could I prepare for two more?
10. Your Life Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them
Yes moms, you all know it's true. All of the crying and diapers, teacher conferences and learning how to drive was worth it even if you went through it twice. Deep down you know your life wouldn't be half as fun as you imagined if you didn't have BOTH of your twins.