Have you ever tried to top Mia Thermopolis? Oh wait, you can't because she's the epitome of awesomeness. No one is quite as cool as the princess of Genovia. Her quirky persona, her awkward ways, and her journey of self discovery are such great representations of what life entails. Here to show us life's most relatable moments is Mia Thermopolis herself...
1. When life hands you lemons...
...sometimes you just can't make lemonade OK?! Life comes at us from all different directions and when time management just isn't your thing, you learn to get hit and suck it up.
2. When you could care less
Opinions, advice, demands every day! But sometimes we just DON'T CARE. Maybe we JUST DON'T WANT TO catch a falling star and put it in our pockets!
3. Being uncoordinated
Gracefulness isn't reality. We may hit our PE teachers in the head, or we may get our foot caught in a net when we try to have our ideal foot poppin' kiss, but at least we know Mia did too.
4. Help I've fallen and I can't get up
We get knocked down, but we get up again. Sometimes life knocks us down and we have to embrace the fact that we might fall because there's a good chance that we will eventually succeed...and then fall again.
5. The Popularity pursuit
We all want to be the cool cat. The one everyone follows. But reality check. Our biggest fan base probably consists of our moms. So if we're putting numbers on it, we all know we're about .5 percent popular, and 99.5 percent invisible.
6. Relishing in accomplishment
Nothing makes us feel more prideful or on top of the world then when we accomplish something. So what do we do when we achieve? We brag; it's only natural.
7. The freak out
We all have meltdowns. When bad news or bad luck strikes us, we have to freak out. If we don't experience intense freak out sweats, then we're either 1) not human, or 2) the offspring of Mother Teresa and Buddha.
8. The last nerve game
When someone irks you, there's no need for a last straw. We may try to grit our teeth as much as we like, but eventually all the truth will come out, preferably in the form of ice cream to the chest.
9. Treating your food as your child
Without food what is life? Oh right, doomed. The only reason we get out of bed in the morning is thanks to that cup of coffee and doughnut. Our over-protectiveness about our food is natural, and as animals we must mark our territory and keep it safe.
10. Just keep dancing
If life has taught us anything, it's that it will never be perfect, so we must keep on dancing. True royalty embraces their flaws and leads others to do the same.
Thank you Mia for choosing to be forevermore, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia. You rock my world and remind me that in life, we all have moments to bond over.