The sun is shining, the fountain on campus has been turned on, the flowers are blooming and the grass has turned green. Meanwhile, you are stuck inside having your 12578th mental breakdown of the week. Why? Because it is dead week and finals are just around the corner. But don't worry, you aren't alone! There are hundreds of thousands of college students all around the country that are feeling the same way you are right now! So, let me help you procrastinate on studying some more by giving you ten relatable feelings about the week before finals week.
1. You have already calculated what you have to get on the final to pass the class.
If you are anything like me, you have already determined that some classes you just have to take an L.
2. No matter how much stuff you have to do, you can't pass up a jam session with friends or going to get food.
They aren't lying when they say you gain the freshman 15.
3. You have retained absolutely nothing for the last week in your classes.
To be honest, they should just give us dead week off.
4. You've said "it's fine" or "I am fine" a ridiculous amount in the past week.
S.O.S. you are NOT fine! It is NOT fine!
5. You've used social media as a distraction more than once....or 50 times.
You're welcome.
6. You are SO TIRED.
At this point, you don't remember what sleep looks or feels like.
7. You're annoyed that you have gotten up for your classes more that once this week for them to only last 20 minutes.
Why couldn't the professor just tell us what to review for the final and hand out class evaluations last class?
8. You know you should start packing but hey you've already got enough on your plate right now.
How did I fit all of this in my car the first time????
9. You have started to wonder if this degree is really worth your mental health.
YES. The work is worth it. You can do it!
10. You have fantasized more than once what it will feel like when you are completely done with finals.
Just remember, it is only one more week and then it is time for summer vacation! You. Can. Do. It. May the odds be ever in your favor. *cue Hunger Games music*