10 Reasons You Should Visit Tybee Island, Georgia | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons You Should Visit Tybee Island, Georgia

Most people forget small cities for vacation, but this on is a must-visit.

10 Reasons You Should Visit Tybee Island, Georgia

This past holiday weekend, my family and I headed to the South for a little vacation. When most people asked where we were headed, they didn't expect the answer to be Tybee Island, Georgia. Most people haven't even heard of it. It's a little island right near Savannah, Georgia and it's one of the best vacation places I've ever been. Here are 10 reasons why I love it so much.

1. Southern hospitality

I don't know if it's like this in all of the South, but in Tybee Island, Southern hospitality is alive and well. While we were riding bikes, everyone we passed waved and said hi. We went to church Sunday and were surrounded by people asking where we were from and how long we were staying. It was quite the shock when compared to the more formal nature of Pennsylvanians, who don't really talk to people they don't know.

2. It's quaint.

Honestly, who doesn't love a beach area with houses that actually look beachy? The above picture is just one of the many different colorful houses that you'll see at Tybee. Not only are the houses pretty colorful, but so are the yard decorations. I've seen the palm trees decorated with colorful clay balls. It sounds weird, but it was pretty cool in person. It's a great relief from the dull look of beach areas like Ocean City, NJ, where everything just looks like a copy-print of the last house.

3. Seafood

If you enjoy seafood, you'll love Tybee. It has a ton of seafood restaurants, and one I highly recommend is The Crab Shack. You can sit outside or inside, and the amount of food they give you is ridiculous. I got to try crawfish for the first time ever and was surprised that I found myself liking it. Not only is the food great, but you can also feed the alligators that they have on the property. Now that's something you don't see many places!

4. Little Tybee Island

If you want something to do, you should most definitely consider kayaking out to Little Tybee Island, which is south of Tybee itself. You can kayak there in about 20 minutes, give-or-take. There are a lot of marsh lands around it that you can go through, and then you can go up on the beach. It is home to a number of endangered species, which is why people are not allowed to build on the island. That's something you can't experience in most places.

5. Fort Screven

If you're into historical landmarks, Tybee Island has some for you. During the Civil War, Fort Screven was one of the coastal defenses occupied by both Confederate and Union troops. It was also an important military post during the Spanish-American War. Today, it serves as a museum and is also a safe haven for locals during any severe weather that requires shelter.

6. The beach

This may seem fairly obvious, but Tybee's beaches are different from the ones I've been to before. Aside from the Dominican Republic, I haven't ever swam in ocean water that was that warm. It was almost like bath water, which is vastly different from the beach in New Jersey. The waves are also fairly calm, which is great for people who don't want to battle crashing waves all the time.

7. The scenery

All throughout Georgia, the trees are covered in Spanish moss, which primarily grows in Southern areas where it is warm enough. It creates an almost fairytale like scenery and I couldn't get enough of it while I was there. It's just so different from any other beach scenery I've ever seen.

8. Tybee Post Theatre

This historic theater was built in 1930 and was occupied by the army during the operation of Fort Screven. It has undergone a few restorations and is now a common place for locals to go for fun. It has showings of popular movies (Jaws was showing for 4th of July) and also has live performances and other events. Small-town charm like this is hard to find in the major beach areas.

9. "The Last Song"

If you enjoy seeing the real-life settings for movies, look no further than Tybee Island for one such place. Though North Carolina was the setting in the book, "The Last Song," starring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, was filmed in Tybee Island and Savannah, Georgia. The house that Miley's character lived in for the summer was on the island, and the dock where the carnival and volleyball events were filmed are popular visitor areas. Parts of "X-Men First Class" and "The Conspirator" have also been filmed there.

10. Savannah, Georgia

While this isn't technically on Tybee Island, it is close enough that visiting Tybee makes this a perk. In a matter of twenty minutes, you can cross the bridge out of Tybee and find yourself in the beautiful historic setting of Savannah, Georgia. You can get the experience of this flourishing city while staying a charming island nearby. It's a win-win.

A lot of people don't consider visiting small cities when they go on vacation. The well-known places are the bigger areas. While these normal destinations have their own merit, so do small areas. The can have more charm and history than you originally thought, and that's something that I love when looking for a vacation spot. So next time you're looking for a travel destination, or you're just heading down south, check out Tybee Island. You won't be disappointed.

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