Traveling is an adventure waiting with doors open to amazing possibilities. Granting, traveling isn't for everyone but, if you enjoy traveling, you should soak up every opportunity to do so. Life is only so long. There's so many reasons why traveling is essential.
1. Travel gives you a break from reality
Who wouldn't want to spend time away from work or responsibilities to visit a world outside their own?
2. Travel teaches independence
As we speak, I'm planning my itinerary, plans, and what I will need for my trip next month. It's the first time I'm ever planning a trip all on my own and it's teaching me to take control and be responsible.
3. You can experience new cultures
Staying in one place is not only boring, it leaves you uneducated about the world. One city in a large world is not showing you the world. You won't know what's out there unless you see it.
4. Trips can be affordable
Don't put off traveling because you have no money. Many wonderful trips can be planned on a budget with careful research and time.
5. Traveling helps you learn about yourself
You may prefer to travel to an island or to Europe or to the west coast. Knowing where you like to go will help you to understand your personality and your likes and dislikes.
6. You get to spend time with loved ones
I doubt you'd plan a trip with someone you didn't like very much. We generally travel with family and friends. It's a great opportunity to get closer to them and strengthen the relationship.
7. Travel plans never go as planned
Traveling never goes exactly the way we plan. Unexpected problems occur every single time. This helps us grow and learn to face life as it comes. It helps us to expect the unexpected. The best adventures are usually ones you didn't plan for.
8. You can build memories
When your kids and grand-kids ask about your younger years, they don't want to hear that you stayed home and saved money. Trips will create great memories and stories for you and for you to tell to your future family.
9. It's better not to regret
It's better to look back and be thankful you did it, than to regret never having gone on that dream trip. Even the worst of trips and never regretted.
10. Traveling helps you realize that we are all the same, yet different.
Travel is an amazing way to experience how others live and to see how their foods, music, and lifestyle is different than yours. It's also an opportunity to see that we aren't so different. You have the same needs and wants as someone that lives on the other side of the globe.