More often than not, when choosing roommates one receives one common piece of advice: do not room with your best friend. Why? You’ll end up fighting, hating each other, arguing all the time, best just not to room with them. Well, I ignored the advice and took the choice least taken. I roomed with my best friend, and you know what? It’s been amazing.
1. Who else will be there when you’re suffering through a torturous paper you’ve unfortunately managed to procrastinate?
You’ll have a cheerleader by your side trying to help in whatever ways possible, like getting breakfast for you once you finish or buying you your favorite drink at Starbucks. It’s all truly appreciated.
2. From the silliest to the more serious ideas you’ll ever have you’ll find constant support and motivation in your roommate.
She’ll encourage you whenever you need it.
3. You guys will go on adventures together, share the craziest stories and really simply just enjoy each other company so much.
It’ll be great.
4. A few times we’ll return from a long day of classes and just as we’re about to enter our room we hear the TV on.
Confused we enter the room just to find one of our friends on the coach watching TV. Our room is kind of like Monica’s apartment from "Friends." It’s great, you and your roommate have the same friends so you never really have to worry about making the other one feel left out.
5. Your wardrobe literally doubles.
I cannot tell you the amount of times we’ve borrowed each other clothing. It’s gotten to the point we don’t really have to ask each other, but still do. Besides, she pulls off my clothes better than I do.
6. What’s the best way to cheer up your best friend on a lazy Sunday afternoon?
Layout the unnecessarily large amount of pillows and blankets you both have, turn on the TV, and just watch your favorite shows and movies. Never have I felt better faster.
7. When you're rooming with your best friend, you quickly find out you guys have no boundaries.
I don’t mean that in a fart in front of each other kind of way. It’s more of a feeling completely comfortable in front of each and understanding each other to the point you know what each other is thinking or saying before it’s even said. It’s going to great lengths to see each other smile and laugh when the other is done.
8. Because you guys have no boundaries you find that being messy is easy.
When rooming with a stranger, you find that you’re being over polite or unnaturally neat because don’t want to be judged. Not when you’re rooming with your best friend though. No judgment zone here. That pile of clothes in our corners we all have from not being able to choose an outfit to wear is completely okay.
9. However, along with being messy, cleaning also becomes easier.
You don’t really have to worry about making your best friend feel uncomfortable at the thought of touching her stuff when cleaning. It becomes normal and convenient.
10. Living with your best friend is a unique experience, as the year comes to an end she really no longer feels like my best friend.
As cliché as it sounds, she feels closer than that, it more like having a sister.