All summer, I have scrolled past "Gilmore Girls" in favor of shows about bratty teenagers living on the Upper East Side ("Gossip Girl") and angsty vampires ("The Vampire Diaries"). However, as a last resort, I decided the 2000's comedy-drama deserved a chance.
My expectations for the show were initially pretty low, but after one episode I was totally hooked. I started the series about a week and a half ago, and I am already on season 4 (I'll let you decide whether that is pathetic or impressive.)
Despite the fact that summer is coming to an end sooner than any of us would like, you still have time to binge Gilmore Girls (and become completely obsessed) before summer is officially over!
Still hesitant? Well, here are 10 reasons to change your mind!
1. Rory and Lorelai have the best mother-daughter relationship EVER.
You can't denying it. Rory and Lorelai are 100% mother-daughter goals. From the never-ending banter to the helpful advice and life lessons, Lorelai is the ultimate BFF mom, and Rory is the (almost) perfect daughter. Whether they face down the Gilmore grandparents or the Chilton Administration, the two take on whatever comes their way as a team. However, the most surprising thing is that their relationship is totally relatable, and I constantly catch myself comparing their relationship to mine with my mom.
2. It is filled with feminist icons.
The Gilmore girls are some of the most fiery, independent, and confident women ever to grace my television/computer screen. To start, Lorelai raised Rory from the time she was 16 with almost no help from anyone else; she knew she needed to provide for her daughter, so she went out and worked her way up to a managing position at the Independence Inn, while simultaneously building an incredibly close relationship with her daughter (Needless to say, I'm beyond impressed).
Rory, on the other hand, is an aspiring Harvard student who prioritizes her education above pretty much anything else (boys included). Even when she is in a relationship, she always makes decisions best for her own future.
Sookie, Lane, Paris...the list of feminist icons in this show goes on and on, but you get the idea.
3. Who wouldn't want to live in Stars Hollow?!?![]()
First and foremost, the people of Stars Hollow are the absolute best! Miss Patty, Kirk, Babett...I love them all. And, I'm definitely not passing up on the heated town meetings and the charming (although sometimes bizarre) town events. Pair that with virtually no traffic, a town troubadour, and a young Jared Padalecki, and I am so in.
4. Michel says what we all think.
I don't think I ever identified more with a character than I do with Michel.
His complete disdain for idiocy is something we can all relate to.
5. Everyone needs a Luke in their life.
We all need someone who can:
1. Provide you with an endless supply of coffee.
2. Hate the world with you when you have an especially bad day.
3. Always come through for you when things get tough.
Luke is that person for Lorelai and Rory, which makes him a triple-threat and completely adorable.
6. The Rory-Dean-Jess-Logan Love Triangle/Square
I am usually not one endorsing love triangles in TV shows, but this is the exception. They are all so perfect! It's no wonder Rory has trouble choosing between the three.
7. Practically all of the characters have a coffee obsession.
Almost every episode of Gilmore Girls involves AT LEAST two trips to Luke's Diner for coffee and, often times, even more than that. While my addiction isn't nearly as severe as Lorelai's, I do enjoy the occasional (3-4 days a week) trip to Starbucks.
8. Because books.
After watching the first three episodes of Gilmore Girls, it becomes obvious that Rory is a book lover and constantly loans out her books to her mom/friends/boyfriend. In fact, according to Patrick Lenton, Gilmore Girls references a grand total of 338 books over the course of it's 7 seasons.
9. Emily Gilmore's endless sass.
Emily Gilmore is the ultimate queen of sass. From her passive-aggressive insults during Friday-night family dinners to her unrivaled death glare, she is one scary grandma! But, at the end of the day, she will always protect her family (which is why we love her, despite the near-constant meanness).
10. Because it is returning for a mini-series on Netflix in October!!
This gives you plenty of time to binge all 7 seasons, so get started and thank me later.