Steven Universe is a kid's show on Cartoon Network, created by Rebecca Sugar. It's about a young boy named Steven (yes, Universe is his real last name) and three aliens called the Crystal Gems that save the planet with their powers. It's witty, cute, and charming-- and all the episodes are only 15 minutes long, so it's easy to binge watch. You could even catch up before the second part of the 'In Too Deep' special premieres next Thursday at 7 p.m.! Here are some more reasons to watch:
1. Steven is actually the cutest ball of energy and gem to ever exist.
Really, just look at his adorable smile.
2. Garnet is literally the most bada** gem in the whole galaxy.
She’s so cool, she’s made of two whole other gems! And, speaking of….
3. The relationship between Ruby and Sapphire are the only relationship goals you’ll ever need.
Better than Pride and Prejudice, even. Move over, Mr. Darcy.
4. Connie is only wing man you’ll ever need, too.
You can’t tell me you wouldn’t love to have her as support during a fight.
5. Oh, did I mention Steven and Connie have a fusion? Stevonnie!
As Garnet said, “You are an experience.”
6. Amethyst and Pearl are like your aunts that you vaguely remember as a kid. (The ones who gave you cookies, not mothball-scented hugs.)
Well-- more like dangerous toys and strict training, but close enough.
7. They live in a place called Beach City. You cannot get any cooler than that.
Located in Delmarva, right next to Charm City!
8. Peridot is somewhat comparable to a lovable dog character-- with the added bonus of humorous dialogue (and limb extenders.)
No one wants to miss out on this, even if you are a clod.
9. Diversity in cast!
What a time to be alive, truly.
10. The gems can fuse together to create even bigger, and better gems.
Look at this glorious combo of Garnet and Amethyst. Sugilite is so awesome, Nicki Minajis her voice actor. That’s how good this show is.
And, if after all that, you still don’t want to watch Steven Universe… well, if every porkchop were perfect, then we wouldn’t have hotdogs. Until next time, Keep Beach City weird!