With the new Season of "Gilmore Girls" coming out soon on Netflix, lets all reflect and see if we are a Lorelai
You are fast talking
So fast, it seems that not many can keep up with you, and sometimes you confuse the townsfolk.
You Aren't Good With Pets
Besides Paul Anka (the dog, not the person) pets just aren't your thing. You will find that one pet that wiggles his way into your heart though.
You Don't Like Cooking
You'd rather eat out. Hot Pockets and Batteries are the only thing that you have in your freezer.
Your Best Friend Is Just Like You
She may break stuff, and hurt herself and wear pigtails and be a little obsessive but there is not one else you would stand in a kitchen with or would cook you food.
Your Emotions Are All Over
One minute you're with an intellectual, then your old flame, then the guy down the street. The pain is too much stop I ship you with all of them stop almost getting married.
You're Confident In Everything You Do
Whether its showing up to a town meeting late, getting a dog, or running a little girls birthday party, you rock it.
Having Money Isn't Your Happiness
You like it, but it's never a worry of yours. You just love living life to the fullest and not caring what people think.
You Love Food
Pop tarts, pizza, everything on the Chinese restaurant menu, or anything that is made by Sookie, food is love, food is life.
Watching Movies is Your Past And Present
Whether it's the awful classics, or the new awful flicks, you love watching, re-watching, commentating, and everything in between, movies are a staple for you.
You Love Coffee
Only with your oxygen.