Everyone has seen the classic Disney Princess movies, whether it be willingly or against someone's will. Maybe you were a princess crazed little girl, or maybe that girl was your little sister, leaving you with a little too much knowledge of Disney princesses for your own good (shout out to my brother - sorry Greg). However you've seen those classics, you've got to admit that you've dreamed at least a few times about being a Disney princess.
Here are 7 things you'll see if you really are a disney princess...
1. You wake up with birds singing and picking out your clothes.
2. Your boyfriend picks you up for a date on his magic carpet, complete with a clothed shoulder monkey.
3. You're willingly living in a castle with your kidnapper.
4. Or maybe you live in the woods with 10,000 woodland animals.
5. You're stuck with the notion that you have to dress up as a guy to join the army.
6. You find a random man in your bedroom attempting to wake up up with kisses. (PS - call the cops if this happens...)
7. You believe that nature talks to you, and you are one with the colors of the wind. (Although, you probably look fabulous)
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