Autumn is over and unfortunately Winter is here once again. Thursday night I saw the first sight of snow, and all I could say is "ew!" Most people look forward to the season because of the holidays, and while that's all exciting, Winter is the worst time of the year. Every single day is a horror story (except for Christmas, duh what kind of Scrooge do you think I am?) Don't believe me? Here's just a few reasons why Winter is the absolute worst... trust me I could think of about a million more.
1. The White Death
Snow may be pretty, but let's be honest it over all isn't that great. It's cold, it's wet and nobody likes dealing with it when it's all said and done.
2. Freezing temperatures
Nobody enjoys the cold and if you do, you might be crazy. The cold definitely bothers me, Elsa...
3. Being pale
Let's be honest, nobody enjoys being pale. A little bronze from that summer sun is always a way to put someone in a good mood.
4. Wearing so many layers that you cant move
5. Its either a sauna indoors or freezing, there's no happy medium.
Going inside a mall or a classroom you never know wether you're going to die of a heat stroke or freeze your butt off.
6.People forget how to drive at the first sight of snow
7.Leaving your house becomes a chore because the outdoors suck
Going outside becomes such a hated thing during the winter, packing on all the layers just to endure the cold makes it worse.
8. Everyone has the sniffles
9. The energy bill is sky high
10. There's nothing to do
Aside from holiday activities winter is literally good for nothing. The.most.boring.season.ever
So if you're one of those strange people who enjoys snow and wearing your winter coat to bed... it's ok there's always next year for you to get it right.