10 Reasons Why You're Lucky To Have An Aries In Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Why You're Lucky To Have An Aries In Your Life

Despite being controlling, stubborn as nails, and a little over the top- you are still extremely lucky to have us!

10 Reasons Why You're Lucky To Have An Aries In Your Life

1. They are headstrong.

Headstrong is not always a word that is associated with lucky, but when it comes to getting along with an Aries, it’s important to know that if they’re on your team, you’re lucky- but if they are your opponent, you should not even try! Aries are headstrong in the sense that they will not back down no matter what the fight is.

2. They are determined.

Hand in hand with headstrong, you’re lucky to have an Aries in your life because of their determination. An Aries knows that good outcomes do not come without work or effort. Aries are determined people with strong work ethics and will push every button until they have reached their intended outcome. You’re lucky to have an Aries because you’ll never have to face a battle ill-prepared or by yourself for that matter!

3. They are stubborn.

Stubborn, huh? Not always a word that comes with a happy connotation, but if we’re looking for reasons to love your Aries, their stubbornness is definitely a reason to! Aries, the sign of the Ram, possesses stubbornness alright!. Aries are not likely to let up when they want to get their way, and will most definitely dig in their heels, stand their ground, and refuse to sway their position.

4. They are Direct & Honest

You will never wonder how an Aries is feeling because they are so assertive in the way that they express themselves. According to astrology-zodiac-signs.com, “People born in the sign of the Aries easily enter communication, direct and honest in their approach, they often make an incredible number of connections and acquaintances in their lifetime.”

5. They are born leaders.

Aries are nowhere near timid when it comes to new experiences! Aries are the type of people who choose to meet each and every challenge that comes their way, head on. They completely take charge of a situation, even when you don’t want them to.

6. They are committed.

Once you’re lucky enough to win an Aries over, you need to know that Aries are extremely committed and faithful types of people. Once an Aries falls in love, they can become overly jealous and a tad bit overbearing, but nonetheless, at least you know for sure that he or she wants you- and only you!

7. They are always going to want all of your attention.

Dating an Aries means giving them your absolute undivided attention. Aries crave constant effort from you and proof that there is a lot of love behind every gesture. Aries, although they are extremely confident and dominant in most cases, still at times need someone to take the lead and show them how much you care.

8. They are creative.

Regardless of the situation, an Aries is always the one to liven a situation and to make something out of absolutely nothing! You’re lucky to have an Aries because all celebrations will be blown out of proportion, they will be nowhere near dull, and each and every holiday and birthday, you can be sure that you will be getting something crafty, thoughtful, and planned with you in mind.

9. They are spontaneous.

Aries are the sign of the fire; they are unpredictable, on edge, and full of life. Sharing your life with an Aries will never get boring. Having them around makes sure that life is never routine and something new is always on the verge of taking place.

10. They are sensitive.

Everything they feel, they feel hard. One minute they could be singing their heart out to a song on the radio, the next, they could be in tears. Although Aries are notorious for being strong, they can be extremely soft when it comes to dealing with their heart. Aries feel everything. When they are upset, they are consumed by emotion and they are likely to go from sadness to anger, and right back to happiness at the drop of a hat. But one thing one should know about an Aries is that they do not move on easily, in fact, it’s one of the hardest things for them to do.

But remember, if you’re lucky enough to have an Aries in your life- never let them go. Life with an Aries will never be boring, and you can count on finding yourself walking away from each and every day knowing you’re lucky to have someone who values friends, family, and relationships are hard as an Aries does!

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