Interstellar is a film directed by Christopher Nolan released in 2014. The film had amazing reviews but they haven't heard from me yet.
This film is easily my favorite of all time. I don't think I can pinpoint another movie that I learned so much from, was so intrigued by, and moved me like Interstellar has.
1. Struggling with family
There is a fair share of familial struggles - death and life, time spent and lost. Interstellar does a spectacular job teaching us that our family is not immortal. But more on time later
2. Dealing with separation
In the film, Cooper ( the main character, father of Murph, who is Cooper's daughter) travels into space and other dimensions. Therefore, time becomes relative - hours become years. Cooper is forced to leave his family for the sake of the human race.
3. Murphy's Law
"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" is the theme of the entire film.
4. Hans Zimmers' music... and lack thereof.
Zimmers' soundtrack is a piece of art. Actually, it's more than a piece of art, it's raw genius. This is not conjecture. Zimmer uses a musical illusion called a "Shepard tone" to create the illusion of a constantly rising pitch. Its eeriness sends chills down my spine. Also, as soon as they leave Earth's atmosphere, the silence of space and absence of audio makes this film chillingly realistic. There is also complete silence when anything occurs outside of their spaceship. Talk about accuracy.
5. The innocence of a father/daughter relationship
Cooper leaves his home before traveling to space in tears after his parting of ways with his daughter who didn't want him to leave. Neither wanted this, but both knew he had to leave. Murph didn't understand at the time, but as she grows older in the film she develops a deep respect for her father.
6. Why time is precious
In the film, a HUGE theme is the concept of relative time. While Cooper and his crew are far away in a distant galaxy and finding their way through black holes and a specific spinning black hole called Gargantua, time on earth is moving at rapid speeds. In the span of hours in space, it costs Cooper 5 decades... just think about that for a moment. Wanted to see your daughter grow up? Think again.
7. How Beautiful Space is
The notion of space this film and how desolately prepossessing it is awesome, in every sense of the word.
8. The freaking robots CASE and TARS
CASE and TARS were assistants to the crew on board, who did everything from provide humorous commentary to man the stick when Cooper wasn't able to fly. They provided statistics and were the crews' walking, talking computers.
9. It's a middle finger to Michael Bay
We all know the Michael Bay Transformers Films were ridiculously explosive with CGI. Interstellar has a grand total of 2 and it's a far better experience than any Transformers ever will be.
10. Humanity struggling to reclaim what was once ours
Perseverance is the overall theme of Interstellar. Humanity and Earth was slowly dying off and Earth was no longer inhabitable. Cooper struggled to reunite with his daughter after saving the human race. Dr. Brand (crew member) yearned to be with her lover (one of the past crew members on a previous ship who found his planet to be inhabitable).