Election time is around the corner and, let's face it, our options on who to vote for as President are not very great. Many people have decided that they are not going to vote at all, but here are some reasons why you should register and vote in this upcoming election.
1. Both candidates would make history if they win.
Although Hillary Clinton would be the first female president, Donald Trump would be the oldest president.
2. Your vote isn't just limited to Hillary & Donald.
So you don't like Hillary or Donald? There are other parties on the ballot that you can vote for.
3. Your vote matters.
Contrary to popular belief, every vote counts. And if you still feel your vote won't count, vote for a different party.
4. Somebody's going to win.
Regardless of whether you vote or not, someone will be the next president of the United States. Why not use your right and vote for the most qualified candidate?
5.We fought for this.
Remember when blacks and women couldn't vote and then they literally fought for these rights? What would our ancestors say if we didn't vote?