“What are your plans for Spring Break?”
I’ve asked many girls this week and almost every answer I’ve got was “Gulf Shores!” Going to a beach or a bar, or both, are the typical plans for a college student during spring break, but this article sheds light on why you should go on a mission trip instead!
1. You don't have to get fit!
I could literally leave this one here and be done with the article, but ultimately when you are out serving the Lord instead of being on the beach, you don't have to look good because, odds are, you probably won't be in a bikini… and if you for some reason are, then the people on the trip most likely love Jesus, and will most likely still love you no matter how good you look.
2. You also don't have to start eating healthy.
Girl, eat those potato chips and stop worrying!
3. It makes you feel good.
Instead of coming back from Spring Break hungover and 10 pounds heavier, come back feeling motivated and inspired. Come back knowing you just gave back to your world and possibly led some people to Christ!
4. You learn along the way.
I know Spring Break is about a rest from learning, but on a mission trip, you learn about people and about the world we live in. Usually, mission trips are in different cities, or even countries, so you get to experience and learn about a new culture.
5. You get to travel.
Even if your mission trip is in your same state or a place you have already been to, it is still a new experience!
6. You get to meet new people.
Our world is all about making connections and mission trips are a great way to do that! As they say “The more you go, the more you know.” Totally just made that up, but it’s very accurate!
7. You learn more about yourself.
I have gone on numerous mission trips and each time I come back, I have a greater appreciation for myself and for my setting.
8. You get to get out of your comfort zone.
For some people, this seems scary, but science proves that it is actually good for you! It is where you have the most personal growth and perspective changes.
9. You strengthen your relationship with God.
Mission trips are all about interaction with people, which also means interaction with God. You will see Him like you never have before on a mission trip, I can promise that.