7 Reasons Why You Should Make Time To Travel
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7 Reasons Why You Should Make Time To Travel

Whether it is to China, Asia, Africa, or Rome, make time to travel, no matter how far you may roam.

7 Reasons Why You Should Make Time To Travel
Anna Cooper

Are you the type of person that has always dreamt of seeing the world but has never even left your home state before? Okay, so maybe you have left the state before, but how many states have you actually been to? If you can only count the number of states you have been to on one hand, then you are not traveling enough.

As a 19-year-old college student, I am fortunate enough to say that I have already traveled to 12 different states and have been out of the country twice, and many of these places I have traveled to more than once. The experiences that I have made while traveling have shaped me into the person that I am today and have given me many memories that will last a lifetime that I always enjoy sharing with other people. Here are my top seven reasons why you should take the time to travel during your lifetime, based off of my experience traveling.

1. Traveling makes you open to trying new things.

When you travel and explore new places, cultures, foods, and sites, you are broadening your horizons and venturing to new places outside of the comforts of your own home. Your are already stepping outside of your comfort zone, so why not push the limits and try new foods, new activities and do absurd things that you never thought you would do before? In my experience, the more your do crazy things when you travel, the more open minded you will become in your everyday life. While visiting Hawaii over spring break last year, I pushed myself past my own comfort zone and put some of my fears behind me. I used to have a fear of swimming in water other than swimming pools. I did not like the fact that I was swimming with other living creatures that were not humans, but I decided to push myself because I may not ever be in Hawaii again. I went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay in Honolulu, Hawaii and explored a coral reef. It was one of the most beautiful experiences that I have ever had while traveling and if I had not pushed myself past my fear,I would have never tried it.

2. Traveling can help reinvent yourself.

People of all ages travel to new places in order to search for meaning or purpose in their life of simply to start a fresh life. Traveling can also help you reinvent yourself, even when you are not trying to. For me, the experiences I have made traveling have shaped me into the person that I am today. I have found new places, foods, cultures, people, and activities that I love to do that if it was not for traveling, I would have never known that I loved them.

3. Traveling makes you patient.

If you have ever traveled and flown on a plane before you will know that it takes a tremendous amount of patience to fly. I have been stuck at many airports before due to bad weather, flying standby, airport security, and delayed flights. Flying while traveling will definitely increase your patience and give you more of an appreciation for those who work in an airport.

4. Traveling makes you happier.

The anticipation of traveling to a new place is one of the most exciting feelings. Planning the trip and all the activities that you will be doing there makes you excited and anxious to be there already. Anticipating an experience makes you far happier and excited than waiting for something you ordered online to come in the mail. So you should spend your money on traveling to a new place rather than spending your money on all of the unnecessary items in your Amazon shopping cart. I recently traveled to Seattle, Washington with my boyfriend over spring break. I remember getting back from Seattle and being on a travel high and wanting to go back for weeks after our vacation. The memories and experiences you will make while in a new place will ultimately make you a happier person.

5. Traveling makes you humble.

Some of my favorite places that I have traveled to would include Washington State, Vermont, and Hawaii. Why? Because every time I visit I am in awe of the natural beauty there. Traveling makes you a more humble person. Seeing the mountains when you live in the hill country or seeing beautiful, crystal-clear oceans when you live in a dry desert leaves you in awe of how beautiful of a country we live in and how vast and great the world we live in is. If you have not had an experience like this, I recommend that you do at least once in your life.

6. Traveling makes you smarter.

I have learned about so many new and interesting cultures, places, and history while traveling that I believe it has made be a smarter and brighter person.The world is filled with so much history that it is hard to not learn something new while you are traveling. A few years ago I was traveling to New York with my family and along the way we stopped in Boston, Massachusetts. If there is one city in the world I would recommend a history buff to visit, it would be Boston. I learned so much about our country's history by visiting Boston for the day that I would definitely say it has made me a smarter and more educated person. Now whenever we talk about Paul Revere in History class I can always say "Hey, I have been to his house". Opening myself up to new cultures, such as the Polynesian culture in Hawaii, has also made me a smarter and more well rounded individual.

7. Traveling is healthy.

Instead of sitting at home this summer playing video games, eating chips, and drinking soda all summer long, why not get out and travel somewhere new? I guarantee that it will be a much healthier experience for you than that bag of chips and the new video game you just bought. Traveling makes you less lazy. It forces you to get out, explore, and be active. If there is one piece of health advice I could give you for your next vacation time off of school or work it would be to spend it traveling rather than being a coach potato.

So what are you waiting for? Get our there and get traveling!

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