Everyone has some doubt about themselves no matter how "conceited" they may be. But it is better to be a little conceited than hate everything about yourself. Social media is full of hateful trolling and judgmental posts making someone think they need to be or look a certain way, but in those depths of the media there are hidden posts that lift spirits. These types of posts should be going viral instead of posts that destroy self esteem. This is one of those posts. Social media and other media platforms should bring everyone together, that's why they were made anyway. If you're feeling down for any reason, save this list to remind yourself just how truly amazing you are. With that said, here are some of the many reasons you should love yourself, and why it's okay to be a little conceited.
1. You've accomplished so much
We tend to only focus on our failures because we are afraid to make the same mistakes again. Our minds are wired to hold memories that are significantly more emotional, but why do we let that stop us? We accomplish more achievements than fail experiences in a lifetime. If we learn to let go of our failures, think of how much more you can achieve! Why pain yourself more on the things that you DID NOT do, when you can praise yourself on all you DID do?
2. You're stuck with yourself
Think about it; who's with you from the moment you are conceived to the moment of your last breath? YOU! Whether you like it or not, there's no escaping yourself. Scary right? Well it shouldn't be, because you're never alone. You can bring yourself up when you are down. You're the only one who knows everything about yourself, so you know exactly how to cheer yourself up, but you also know how to bring yourself down. Avoid this at all costs.
3. You are your own best friend
Although you may be rolling your eyes at that statement, you will never be your own worst enemy. You know when you've had enough and you know when you can to do something, even when no one else believes it. You will always be looking out for yourself; you are linked to yourself and can not be separated-- literally.
4. You're conceited and that's okay!
You may think you're the most selfless person in the world, (which, you may very well be selfless) but you will always help others because it makes YOU feel good. You make choices based your own personal benefit, and that's okay because we should never have to regret something. If we did not make choices that have some benefits for ourselves than we will never be satisfied with ourselves and reach self-actualization.
5. You're fabulous
That's right! Whether you are boy, girl, horse, cat, or potato: you're absolutely amazing!!! If you believe in yourself you can go so far; you're unique and there's no one quite like you in this world full of people. There may people who share traits with you but no one has the same DNA or fingerprint as you. As long as you remember that, you can make a difference in this world.
6. Someone out there needs you
It's that simple, someone in this world needs you alive. You at least have one person that absolutely can not live without you, so you have a reason to be alive.
7. You were put on this earth for a reason
Cliché, I know, but everyone is born for a reason. If you don't believe me, I'm sorry but you should. No one is here without a purpose. Whether it's to become the best president this country ever had or to just simply be friends with someone, you make a difference in lives whether it be a million or just one.
8. You're not a number
My whole life I have been told I don't weigh enough. People in this world get told they don't weigh the right amount, they don't have enough friends, their age is not right, they're vision isn't perfect, etc. A person is not defined on just numbers; they have a personality, they have feelings and hobbies. A person cannot be defined by numbers because everyone is NOT the same, so to base a person on an average number is completely wrong of society. Everyone has different DNA and lifestyles. Once you learn that, you will be a much happier and confident human.
9. You'll be a happier person
Once you love yourself, it is much easier to love others without holding back. Once you love yourself then you will know how to love and treat others, and this would make a person really happy and the others around them. Happiness is contagious!
10. Because why not?
All these reasons and you still could choose not to love yourself. That's right, you choose whether or not you love yourself, so, why not make the better decision?