My life was forever changed after discovering The 1975 at the end of my sophomore year of high school. I devoted almost an entire year of my life to worshiping the band, learning everything I could about them, and dreaming of the day I could finally marry the drummer (we'll talk more about George Daniel later on). Although I no longer obsess over The 1975, I'm still madly in love with their music. I've seen them live twice (November 26, 2014 and May 4, 2016), I own both their albums on vinyl, and still wait in anticipation for them to release tour dates and information. You might be asking yourself "why should I care?" Read below and prepare for your life to be taken over. Welcome to the dark side.
1. They're British
Cute accents? Check. Smokes a pack a day? Check. Uses cute British slang like "bullocks" and "mate"? Check.
2.They've been a band for 15 years
Lead singer Matty Healy says that they've been a band for 10 years, but he's been saying that for the past. That means you don't have to worry about them breaking up anytime soon! Hello a lifetime of fangirling!
3.They write all their own songs
All their songs (except for Robbers which is based off of "True Romance" by Tony Scott and Quentin Tarantino) are based off of them and their life experiences.
4. They're heavily invested in the LGBTQ community
Although Matty Healy has never come out as anything, he very openly explores his sexuality. And on June 14, 2016, the band gave tribute to the victims of the Orlando shooting during their song "Loving Someone" with their usually black and white almost static-y set transformed into the colors of the rainbow, i.e. the Rainbow Flag.
5. "Sex" and "Chocolate"
They literally have a song titled 'Sex' and a song called 'Chocolate' that's just one big metaphor about weed. If that's not a reason to like them I don't know what is.
6. George Daniel
Cue the uncontrollable drooling. George Daniel is a total babe! That boy is 6'5, muscular AF and plays the drums (I have a theory that there is no such thing as an unattractive drummer). All the boys are cute, but George takes the cake.
7. Their tattoos
Need I say more?
8. Whatever mood you're in they've got a song for it
Sad? Listen to "Somebody Else." In the mood to dance? Listen to "UGH!." In the mood to contemplate life? Listen to "If I Believe You". Looking for an over all good bop? Listen to "Chocolate." The band prides themselves in covering a wide array of genres, so that means they're bound to have a song you'll like.