When the sitcom "New Girl" aired in 2011, everyone fell in love with Jessica Day. The fictional character played by Zooey Deschanel is a fun-loving, witty, free-spirited school teacher that lives in a loft apartment with three guys. After being an avid watcher of the show, I came up with 10 reasons why girls should want to be more like her.
1. She takes chances.
How many girls would really say yes to a Craigslist ad for living in an apartment with three guys? Not many.
2. She is a feminist... and pretty much every other activist you can think of.
Jessica Day is a proud supporter of the feminist movement, which shines throughout every episode. Not only that, but in her career as an elementary school teacher, she teaches her students about the importance of saving the environment.
3. She is a leader.
She is the only person who can make polka dots paired with polka dots work in an outfit.
4. She goes for what she wants.
Whether it's a vice principal job, getting in a brawl with her friend over a dainty yellow purse, or a cute new British teacher, Jess does't stop for anything to get what she wants.
5. She speaks up for what she believes in.
Jess shut down a restaurant and made someone lose their job (she felt really bad for it though) just so they would stop sending the menus so they could conserve paper.
6. She is selfless.
She would do anything to help not only her friends, but anyone around her in need of help.
7. She sees the good in everyone.
Jess definitely doesn't judge a book by its cover. She will try to be friends with anyone despite his or her flaws.
8. She is always positive.
Despite her many heartbreaks, friend fights, family drama, and work dilemmas, Jess always keeps a smile on her face and thinks about the good things rather than the negative.
9. She is a good friend.
From throwing crazy handmade birthday parties to spending her own money to save expensive suits, she would do anything for her friends. Jess has created everlasting friendships with her roommates, and even though they all have their quirks, they would do anything for each other.
10. She isn't afraid to be herself.
I think the best quality that the fictional character displays is creativity. Jess has her own sense of style with her bold patterned skirts and colorful cardigans. She doesn't display her individuality with just clothes -- she sings when situations get awkward, says embarrassing things (out of love) and crafts... a lot.
So many think this girly is too out-of-the-box, but because of these qualities, she makes an excellent role model for every girl.