Something my family has always done together was played games. The card and board games were stacked high in the closet and your excitement was unable to be contained when it was your night to pick the game. As video games and smart phones became more prevalent, board and card games were left dusty on the shelves.
We complain about being disconnected, not bonding with our family and friends, but are too scared to blame the technology in our lives. So, what would happen if we put down the electronics and picked up the box?
1. It is a great de-stresser.
You get home from work/school and are bombarded with house work, phone calls, school work, and the hundreds of miscellaneous tasks that have been put on the back burner for months. But sometimes you need to put everything on hold to de-stress. Blowing up battleships, taking over settlements, and trying to beat the timer are great ways to get out some of that worry and anxiety about your "to-do" list. Scream, laugh, and cry if you have to; I promise you will feel better afterwards.
2. You can choose to be a different person.
The game of "Life" is truly a great thing. You can go to college or head into the work force. You can be a police officer or an athlete. You can help the homeless or become president. You can literally do anything in "Life," and sometimes it is just a simple board game that allows you to escape the realities of the real world, even if it is just for an hour.
3. It gets the brain juices flowing.
Playing board and card games help improve problem solving skills, recognition skills, and dexterity skills, and strategy! You can even work on your vocabulary with games like "Boggle," "Scrabble," and "Word Yahtzee!" The options are endless.
4. Competition is good for the soul.
Have you ever had an "Uno" competition? I don't recommend it, as it does get quite terrifying. Profanities are shared, cards are slammed, and voices are raised, but only in fun! Games, especially cards games are great for competition! Do you have dominating personalities in your family? Do your friends get angry when you make them draw four cards? If so, "Uno" is the game for you (or really ANY card game)! But seriously, competition is great! There is nothing like rivalries, frustration with losing, and the never ending battles of who will be the winner. But honestly, getting a little anger and frustration is good.
5. You can relive your childhood.
"Chutes and Ladders" and "Candy Land" are flashbacks from the past! Although these games are simple, they are still so much fun and a great way to be a kid for a short while. Who wants to be an adult all the time anyways?
6. Laughter is inevitable, and it is good for you.
Playing games like "Quelf" and "The Game of Things" are made to make you laugh! Bring on the rivalries, crazy dares, and silly faces because things are about to get weird and get good. WARNING: You may be subject to videos being posted on social media. The board games are not liable for any embarrassment.
7. You can't help but make memories.
I cannot remember the last time that I played a board game that something serious, funny, ofcompletely random happened and it was not memorable. Great games with great people create even greater memories.
8. It helps makes connections.
Games are great to meet new people or even reconnect with others in your life! Bring out the snacks and wine and be silly with new and old friends. Who knows, you might even get a monthly neighborhood game night! Board games better bonding!
9. They don't get boring.
Unlike video games, board games don't have a single story line. You can replay it and replay it until you get sick of the game. There are not a limited amount of cheat codes, story lines, and characters. They just do not get boring.
10. They are cheap.
Board games are easily reused and don't cost a whole lot of money. So whether you are having a family game night or just having a little competition with some friends, you won't have to break the bank to have fun! A thirty dollar board game that you can play unlimited amount of times beats a thirty dollar game of laser tag that you get to play for an hour. What can I say, that classic cardboard and cards is cheaper and can be even more fun!
I am blessed to have family and friends that love playing games. Let me tell you, there is nothing quite like playing a game when you have had a long day, miss the special people in your life, or just need to have a little fun. So, now I urge you to make an important life decision. Put down the phone. Get your loved ones in one room. Find a game. Make the most of it.