Kids are cute, but if you have a niece or nephew, you know that they are the most adorable human on this earth. Being an aunt or uncle is one of the best roles to have. Even if you are not a fan of children, you still love your niece or nephew more than any kid in this world.
You can’t help but get excited every time you get to spend a day with them, and they are just as excited to see you.
Here are 10 reasons why being an aunt or uncle is one of the best feelings you will ever experience:
1. They’re not your kids, so you can give them back!
Not a kid person? Then being an aunt or uncle is the best thing that could happen to you! You get all of the fun of being with a kid, but when they start to throw a temper tantrum, you send them right back to their parents and move on with the rest of your day!
2. You get to be a kid for a day yourself.
Got a secret handshake you’ve been dying to teach someone or an old joke that is corny, but you know a four-year-old would laugh so hard about it? Teach your niece and nephew some things your parents taught you as a kid! Some traditions are great to pass down.
4. They always pretend that they like you more than their parents when you’re around.
It’s one of the best things in the world when a child is so happy to see you. Hearing them scream your name as they run towards you for an embracing hug is such a heart-warming feeling, but it feels even better when they whisper in your ear that they like you the best. Knowing that just your presence can bring a smile to their face makes you feel on top of the world.
5. They actually listen to you.
If you want something done, it’s better when you tell your niece or nephew to do it rather than their parents. For some reason, kids seem to listen to their aunt or uncle better!
6. When you are feeling down, nieces and nephews always bring a smile to your face.
You can’t help but smile around their adorable faces, or laugh when they do something weird. That is just what kids do best: put a light in someone’s world. When your niece or nephew is around, you know you can’t have a bad day.
7. You may not like kids, but you will always LOVE your niece or nephew.
Like kids or not, your niece or nephew will always have a special place in your heart. You don’t know exactly why you don't care for other kids, but your niece or nephew is the only child you definitely need in your life. It’s important to love them back!
8. You get butterflies every time they call you “aunt” or “uncle.”
You don’t realize how sweet that sound is until they actually learn how to talk. You also feel slightly old when your siblings are having kids, and you almost wonder where the time has gone.
9. You will always remember the day they were born as one of the best days of your life.
Holding a brand new life in your arms is an unbelievable feeling, and just knowing that you get to watch an amazing child grow up right before your eyes is an incredible thing. You want nothing more than to be in your niece’s and nephew’s life as much as possible.
10. You actually learn more from them than they do from you.
Strangely, kids have a way at showing us things in life we might have forgotten was important. Becoming an adult sometimes leads us to believe that life is moving by quickly, and we need to keep up with the pace. Children, though, help us remember to slow down and enjoy the time we have with those around us.
So, make sure to always tell your niece or nephew how much you love them!