1. You get to go home for homemade food and your favorite restaurants in your hometown.
2. You get a month to either attempt to lose weight or lounge on the couch and do absolutely nothing with no regrets.
3. With so much time off of school, winter break is perfect because you get to work at the same time, and most of the time with flexible hours.
4. Reuniting with your best friends and actually getting to spend time with them.
5. Getting a chance to travel or do something adventurous.
6. Not only does Christmas come during Winter Break, but NEW YEARS.
7. You get to drive your car…and never need a GPS to get around.
8. Your parents or grandparents will spoil you. If you're lucky, sometimes both.
9. You get to play with your pets. Nothing is better than seeing your dog again.
10. Sleeping in your own bed.
Only a few more days, and the best break of the year is back again!