Look, we love all of our sorority Sisters! But, we hold a special place in our hearts for our pledge class. When we first got our bids, we were strangers and somehow, over the course of a few months, we became inseparable. Here are some reasons that we can all relate to with our pledge class!
1. You can always count on them!
Whenever I hit rock bottom, I turn towards my pledge class. They are the ones who have our backs when we need it most. Whether it's just seeing them in the TMB when you have no one to sit with or studying for a huge test. They are just a text away.
2. They bring out the best in you.
I never knew how crafty I was until I went Greek. Seriously, my dorm room is filled with glitter, which my roommate just loves. But, you can always count on your local sorority girl to paint you a perfect canvas or a spectacular paddle! Glitter is a girls best friend, right?
3. They make sure you don't make a fool of yourself.
We've all had our moments. Some of us more than others. Never less, the super hero is the pledge sister who always there to laugh off your embarrassments with you. GOD BLESS.
4. You never go through a breakup alone.
Whenever we need a shoulder to cry on, they are always there. It's an unspoken vow we take as sisters to put a band-aid on her heart and a shot of liquor in her hand.
5. You have a hilarious GroupMe.
It's never a dull moment from the semi-formal pictures to the throwbacks to the off guard photos are never ending. I love leaving class to a screen full of messages filled with funny comments and inside stories that we only get.
6. They are more than willing to fight your ex when he decides to be crazy.
Honestly, What's a sister for if they aren't willing to give dirty looks to your old boyfriend? Personally, I know I've given a few of those... and it's so worth it.
7. You have endless closets to pick from.
Who doesn't love having over 500 shirts to pick from? It's awesome! Boots, skirts, and scarves, OH MY!
8. You already have your future bridesmaids picked out.
Not trying to scare any boyfriends or anything... but... We already have our future bridesmaids picked out! They have been with us for better and for worse so, why wouldn't we want them standing next to us when marrying the love of our life?
9. Because for the first time in your life, you have 30 plus girls that would take a bullet for you( metaphorically speaking).
Not saying that I wish to be shot but I'd go to the moon and back for every single girl. It's so hard to describe the love that we have for each other to an outsider looking in.
10. When your run out of words to say, they're always there to speak up for you.
My pledge class actually helped me write this article. They never fail to come in clutch which is one of the many reasons why I love them so much. We all have our highs and our lows... but it's our pledge sisters who build us up to the successful women we are. Here's to the next four years and the rest of our lives with our best friends. ALAM!