After celebrating a recent birthday, it's clear that everyone loves Betty White, and here's ten reasons why:
1. She knows that it's always five o'clock somewhere. Hey at least she didn't miss the mug! Congrats Betty!
2. She has a Facebook and "THE" Twitter. "I unfriend you! That's not how any of this works."
3. She knows how to dab.
4. We have all made some weird combination with alcohol, and then tried to cover it up. Don't be ashamed, Betty!
5. Sometimes you just need to let the girls have a good time!
7. She says what's on her mind.
8. She speaks the truth. We all have those days girl!
9. She says the type of things you tell your girlfriends when you wanna seem badass.
10. We all wanna be her when we are older because she is just so cool. Keep it real Betty, don't ever change!
Happy 95th Birthday Betty White!