Donald Trump; An orange tomato running for President of the United States who talks about sexually assaulting women with the Bush no one knows and loves to pretend he's a billionaire. But let's get real for a second, this man could become our next president.
Now I know some people don't think the environment is a major issue (if you don't think it is, it might be time to educate yourself), but if you care whatsoever, or at least want to know more, then here's ten pretty good reason why Trump will be an absolute disaster for the environment and our planet as a whole.
1. He's incredibly pro-coal and wants to do everything he can to end the "war on coal," as he likes to call it. He even believes that that coal does nothing to affect the climate.
2. He has this crazy idea to make the Keystone XL Pipeline, a pipeline that runs crude oil from Canada to Texas a thing.
3. He is against the Paris Agreement, the biggest step the world itself has taken to combat climate change. He has no reasonable idea to replace it, he just wants to remove it entirely.
4. He supports drilling for more oil and gas by cutting many current regulations. These regulations help protect the water American's drink and many other important things.
5. He wants to scrap the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This would lead to the end of enforcement of laws such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
6. He blatantly denied that there was a drought in California in the middle of a drought.
7. He doesn't support a carbon tax, something many environmental allies support.
8. He wants to pull money out of the United Nation's climate change program. Granted, he claims he wants to invest the money in the US environment, but the environment/climate change is affected by things across the planet. When a part of a rain forest in Brazil gets plowed down, it can be felt worldwide. Environment and climate change is a global issue, not just a national issue.
9. He thinks asbestos is a conspiracy theory created by the mob (you can't just make this stuff up).
10. Trump thinks climate change is a hoax orchestrated by the Chinese government. In general, he has called climate change a hoax.
So let's be real. This man is everything horrible for the environment. He is so backwards, he would have probably been considered a revolutionary if he was alive during the late 1800's. The election is only a few weeks away, so for the sake of the future of our entire planet, let's make sure Trump never becomes president.