Another long week of working my tail off and staying up late to mark off my long to-do list has come and gone, and I’m in desperate need of an escape from reality. There’s very places that will take my mind off of what is lingering over my head or what I have to do tomorrow, but there’s one place I can always count on to do the job: the beach. So here is why I consider the beach my happy place.
1. The minute I step onto the beach, my problems seem so small.
Maybe it’s the vast ocean ahead or the softness of the sand, but my thoughts of the last week and the week to come start to vanish into the thin, crisp air.
2. The sun soaks up all my worries.
There’s very few things being outside in the sun can’t solve; even when I’m not feeling content, I can always find peace when I put on my swimsuit and set up my beach chair and umbrella right by the crashing waves.
3. The energy on the beach is always uplifting.
Positivity and happiness just come along with the beach; it’s simply impossible to be mad or pouty when you’re surrounded by so much beauty. Everyone around me is always so happy and kind, and just enjoying their simple escape from the realities of normal life.
4. Everyone is doing their own things and not worried about what everyone else is thinking.
Kids are laughing and splashing in the water, the couple next to me are engulfed in good books and several people walk past me lost in conversation. A smile makes its way onto everyone’s face and although they are strangers to me, it’s so nice to be around such good energy.
5. I’m happiest in a swimsuit!
I spend so much time dressed in work attire and dressing nice for class and to go out with friends, but I am truly happy when I slip into my bikini with a cute hat and cover-up. I don’t have to do my hair or put on makeup like I normally do everyday of the week, which is so nice.6. It’s totally acceptable to go in a large group, just with another friend or by myself.
If I don’t feel like making plans or if I wake up wanting to go to the beach, I’ll go by myself and just soak up the sun with a good book in hand. It’s a great place to be alone to do what I want to do: read a book, float in the water, go shelling.
7. I feel like I’m on vacation, even if it’s just for a couple hours.
I’m lucky to only live 15 minutes from the ocean. When I have to work and go to school while living in paradise can be torture sometimes because I want to be out in the sun every chance I get. So when I get a break and make it to the beach, I feel like I’m on a vacation from all my responsibilities.
8. It’s the perfect place to talk and say how I’m feeling.
When my best friend and I plan a trip to the beach, I already know we have a long list of things we need to discuss and talk about. The sounds of the birds and the crashing waves gives us a sound state of mind, which allows us to talk for hours about life and what’s going on. I’m very thankful the beach is an escape where I can say anything on my mind.
9. The beach is a great way to meet other people by playing beach volleyball or frisbee.
When I go to the beach with a group of my fellow college friends, we are always meeting other college students or groups who join in on our games and hanging out. I love meeting new people and with the comfort of my friends, that’s a very easy task. Almost everyone at the beach is chill and down to have a good time.