1. The freshman 15 is not a myth, just an understatement.
The Freshman 15? Everyone lied. It's the freshman 100, and I could've sworn that bathing suit fit me perfectly last summer.
2. Being forced to turn down summer temptations.
After realizing the insane amount of weight you gained after eating one too many 2 a.m. pizzas, you have to force yourself to decline every cheeseburger, hot dog or ice cream that comes your way. Cue moment of silence. Trust me, your family knows you aren't really enjoying that salad.
3. Your parents in fact DO own you.
Suddenly you have this thing called a "curfew," and you have to try to explain to your parents that the time they want you to come home is the time you were getting ready to go out last semester.
4. You suddenly go from having a dorm full of friends to none at all.
You find yourself friendless and alone on a Friday night. You're so used to being a walk down the hallway from your friends, but now you actually have to DRIVE in order to hang out with someone (but only as late as your curfew allows...obviously).
5. You have exactly $1.00 to your name.
You're too poor to do anything fun during the summer anyway, so you'd rather just be back at school surrounded by all your broke friends so you can complain about it together at the dining hall...because free food duh.
6. Again, your parents LITERALLY own you.
You're so poor you are forced to ask your parents for money so you can get the hell out of your house for the first time in a week.
7. Chores
Does an internship with your cleaning lady count? That's a serious question you've considered every time your parents hand you a $5 bill and a list of chores comes with it.
8. Answer to the previous question: No, you cannot get an internship with your cleaning lady.
During finals week you dreamt of three months with no responsibilities and a "summer fling" with the one thing you love most in your life: your bed. But jokes on you when you return home and your parents waste no time in reminding you that you are now something called an "adult" and have to get an internship (but it better be paid cause you're broke as hell).
9. The infamous and ever-so-painful "How is school?" question.
No matter who is asking the question (an old friend, a parent's friend, your grandma), there is no answer that could ever describe the year you had at school. Plus, it's not like your grandma will think its funny that one time you harassed your 40-year-old Uber driver to "come to the club with you." So you're forced to just answer with a simple "Good" and hope to never hear that question again.
10. Because summer is just too damn long.
You've managed to survive Thanksgiving break, Winter Break, AND Spring Break. But you have started to consider the possibility that you might not make it out of summer alive after realizing only one week has passed since you've been home... even though you could've sworn that you've been sitting on your couch for a lifetime just waiting for it to be move-in day already.