10 Reasons Why Rochester Is The Best | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Why Rochester Is The Best

A list of things to do if you're ever in the 585.

10 Reasons Why Rochester Is The Best
Rochester Downtown

I hail from Rochester, New York. When I'm away at school, I often miss the greatness of my hometown. Rochester is wonderful because it is filled with diversity, culture, amazing restaurants and has plenty of things to do. Here are 10 reasons why Rochester is the best!

1. Garbage Plates

A delicacy. Almost everyone in the ROC and their mom has had a garbage plate! Nearly every burger joint or restaurant has their own version of the plate. Bonus points if you get the original from Nick Tahous.

2. Best radio stations EVER!

They play the best music to jam along to! Also, they host the most fun events in Rochester like Summer Jam, Jingle Jam, and Guitars and Stars!

3. Red Wing Games

Everyone enjoys going to the Wings, especially on fireworks night! Don't forget to say hi to Walter the accordion man when you leave!

4. Strong National Museum of Play

A child's dream. Strong Museum has the Toy Hall of Fame which has every toy imaginable, a miniature Wegmans, Sesame Street, the Butterfly Garden and so much more. If you're ever in the area, this is a must see!

5. Coffee, coffee, coffee

Rochester has a plethora of cute little coffee shops you hear all of the hipsters talking about. From Java's to The Spot, they are the best places to grab some coffee and relax with friends.

6. The restaurants

Rochester is home to the best restaurants. From Pasta Villa to Aladdin's, it has a wide variety of different, delicious foods to eat from.

7. Seabreeze!

Come get your summer! Seabreeze Amusement Park is the place to be during the hot summer months. Seabreeze has a variety of wet rides and dry rides for everyone to enjoy!

8. Wegmans

Everyone's favorite place! Wegs is like the Beyonce of grocery stores everywhere. One tip, never go to Wegmans hungry.

9. The events

From the Rib Fest to the Park Ave Fest, you can always count on there being something awesome to do in Rochester.

10. Winter

OK, yeah, the winter months can be quite brutal up here, but don't think I'm crazy and exit out of the article! Rochester is home to a ton of skiers and snowboarders who love going to Bristol Mountain! Also, we get a ton of snow days, and there's nothing more fun than sledding down Frisbee Hill!

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