Dogs are truly man's best friend. They provide us with comfort, entertainment and protection. They love us unconditionally and are great to cuddle with. With so many breeds of dogs, one may find it difficult to know which is the best, which is why I'm here to help solve that confusion. Pugs are hands down the best breed this world has to offer. To prove my point, I've compiled a list of reasons as to why everyone is blessed if they ever encounter this special breed, and have even included classic pictures of my very own pug, Pugsley
1. They don't mind when you dress them up.
Pugs are known to be a low tempered breed. They're very laid back and go with the flow. With that being said, my pug has been subject to getting her nails painted and being put into ridiculous costumes.
2. They have creases.
Many pugs have been blessed with creases that help define their character. These creases give pugs a way to stand out from other dogs. Some websites suggest that owners clean their pugs' creases weekly to prevent dirt from building up. While that may sound odd, creases are just puppy wrinkles that make pugs that much more adorable!
3. They're wonderful to cuddle with.
Many pugs are shaped like potatoes. They're round and medium-sized, which makes them awesome at projecting body heat. When you're getting ready to settle in for bed, bring your pug along and you won't even need a blanket! These dogs are like space heaters!
4. They're good with children.
Pugs are very mild tempered. They love being happy rather than growling at any person they see. They love to have fun and play, which is why they're awesome companions for kids. They'll go on walks, play fetch and even watch children put together puzzles!
5. They love to eat.
Pugs love food, but who doesn't? Because of their strong love of food, pugs are great vacuum cleaners. Dropped a french fry on the floor? A pug can get that. Spilled some milk? The pug will gladly lick that up for you. As long as it's edible, pugs will eat it.
6. They have big eyes.
One feature that makes pugs stand out from other dogs is their noticeably large and bulging eyes. These eyes make pugs so much more cute, but have a tendency to bulge out, especially when they're excited or afraid. While their large eyes can be comical, sometimes they can pop out (no lie! This happened to my pug once!) but no worries, a veterinarian can easily pop their eye back in and it'll be like nothing ever happened!
7. They're laid back.
There's not much that can upset a pug. They're known for their laid back and calm nature, which is why they're awesome to own if you don't want a noisy and annoying dog! Want to watch a whole series on Netflix without being disturbed? No worries, because a pug will most likely sit and watch all the seasons of "Friends" with you as long as you feed them a few kernels of popcorn.
8. They're good with other pets.
In my home, I have a few other dogs, but that isn't a problem for Pugsley. She is more than willing to share her space with others. Pugs are all about spreading the love so if you want more than one dog, pugs are a great fit! They're even good with cats. Sometimes known as the spawn of Satan, cats can be not-so friendly, but a pug doesn't mind. They'll just go about their own business. No need to worry about a pug.
9. They love to love.
Pugs are a great source of comfort and stress relief. They can sense when their master is upset and more than likely will try to cheer you up by either making you laugh or snuggling up to your chin. These sweet dogs are very loyal, too. Whenever you come home, you're sure to get a warm welcome from your pug with either a funny sounding howl or they'll run up to you demanding kisses. They're like a lovable potato.
10. They're entertaining.
Pugs are a special kind of breed. They're not known to be the brightest kind of dog which can lead to many hilarious moments. It's not uncommon for them to run into things, make funny faces with their bulging eyes or decide to run around the whole house in a sprint for no reason. My pug, Pugsley, loves it when her name is chanted over and over again. She'll get so excited that she sprints up and down the hallway until she's out of breath. Pugs are not boring in any way. Having a pug has proven to be a fun time.