People often hold a dialogue on the subject of "who is the best artist of today" and even "who is the best artist of our time." After careful consideration, I decided to answer this question for everybody once and for all. Pitbull is, hands down, the best artist of our generation, and this is why:
1. He is Mr. Worldwide.
Everyone loves him. Everyone. There is worldwide love for Pitbull.
2. He is a philanthropist.
Poor, young, and old. Pitbull helps everyone, and is a giving man.
3. He is confident enough to name himself Mr. Worldwide.
Pitbull is the best at giving nicknames. He's also pretty confident in himself and we like that.
4. He supports pit bulls.
Pitbull helps the ignorant people pause for thought: if Pitbull named himself after pit bulls, they must actually not be that bad. He gave pits a chance when the public turned their backs by redeeming their name.
5. He is bilingual.
"One, two, three, four; uno, dos, tres, cuatro."
6. He is so cool that he literally always wears shades.
While simultaneously protecting the mirrors to his soul. Now, that's cool.
7. He can wear white after Labor Day and no one says anything.
He actually looks good in white at all times, and even after Labor Day—a time that the aforementioned color is not to be worn.
8. "Dale"
I'm Good word choice, PB! You're also a lyrical genius.