Every semester nearly 36,000 students are forced to use one system intermittently over the period of a month. This system dictates their entire schedule and how hellish their life will be for the next semester. It decides whether they will be in class at 8 a.m. or in class until 10 p.m. This torturous and dreadful system is known as Owl Express.
1. DegreeWorks is rarely correct with completed courses and courses in-progress.
The "Degree Progress" bar is only correct if you have not changed your major.
2. Not enough class sections are available.
Students with popular majors have a hard time getting into their courses because only four sections are offered when six are clearly need, or the class capacity needs to be increased.
3. Some classes are only offered during specific semesters.
4. Major courses are offered during the same time forcing us to stay an extra semester.
5. Online courses have a capacity.
Why does an online course have capacity? Unless it's a writing course the professor can make all tests and quizzes multiple choice and D2L will grade all the tests and quizzes.
6. It doesn't always register your prerequisites or if you have them.
The system won't recognize that you have completed the prerequisite or the correct prerequisite is not listed and then you get removed from half of your classes a week into the semester.
7. Not all transfer hours are recorded.
8. You don't always receive an email that you are able to register after being on the wait list for that class you desperately need or want to take and lose your spot in the course, yet again.
9. Time tickets can really mess up your schedule.
Yes, I understand that the time tickets are so that upperclassmen can register for the courses they need, but what about the freshman that can't get into Calculus 3 so he can get into his engineering science courses during a convenient semester.
Also why do some time tickets not change even after changing from a freshman to sophomore? Giving some students only one day to register for classes until the next phase of registration.
10. The several steps needed to get to a final exam schedule.
To view your final exam schedule you have to click through several menus and pages to see the schedule for the most important tests of the semester.
Kennesaw State, I understand you want my money, and you really don't want me to leave like an over-bearing mother, but I really just want to graduate. Whatever you can do to make that easier would be greatly appreciated.
Do you have any reasons why you hate Owl Express?