I know that not everyone loves America’s 44th President. I know that not everyone agrees with his policies and how he has led this country. I know that not everyone’s heart flutters when he smiles.
Actually that one’s probably only me.
Completely disregarding the fact that he’s currently the POTUS (which is already pretty cool), let’s take a second to bring attention to how awesome Barack Obama is. Nothing to do with politics. Everything to do with personality.
1. He’s made an appearance on “Running Wild with Bear Grylls.”
Yes, this is a selfie Obama took with Bear. Yes, they ate salmon (that was half-eaten by an actual bear) together in the Alaskan wilderness. Yes, it was everything. Don't believe me? Just watch
2. He’s great with babies.
A moment of silence for this picture please.
3. He has a fantastic sense of humor.
Nuff said.
4. He loves Torchy’s Tacos (as everyone should).
In case you were wondering, he did in fact order the Democrat, the Independent AND the Republican.
5. Oh, and he’s great with babies.
6. He made Vice President Joe Biden a friendship bracelet.
No words. Only tears.
7. He married the coolest woman alive.
You bet your butt that's the FLOTUS getting her mom groove on with Jimmy Fallon.
8. He wears dad jeans like nobody’s business.
I mean, self-explanatory.
9. He snuggled a koala.
Probably the most important photo on the Internet. You're welcome.
10. Did I mention he’s great with babies?
I just had to end with Lil' Pope.
As you can see, he's amazing. And that's just a fact.