This rant has been on the back-burner for quite a while, and after seeing my 5,000th Buzzfeed clickbait article passing through my Facebook, I decided it was finally time to release my feelings, and be public about it in an ironic form.
10. Lists Don’t Actually Have Any Real Meaning
That’s right, lists don’t have meanings. One would think, and be trained to think, that because a list is present, the order of the words placed on the list have a meaning. In reality, the authors of the lists just assume that their audience is far too incompetent to understand anything in true prose form. It’s demeaning, and entirely unnecessary.
7. Anyone Can Write a List
I can honestly assume that most people who write these list articles actually know what they are talking about. Most of them probably went to some school for journalism only to find themselves reporting on a certain number of reasons why Taylor Swift definitely should have won the Grammy’s, when in reality, very much like that awards ceremony, it is a disappointing outcome almost every time for both the producer and consumer. If you’re going to aspire to be a journalist, don’t just take the “I’ll start small and work my way up” excuse, because as soon as you write your first list in a trend, it’s over. You are stuck.
1. The Subject Matter Usually Sucks
That’s right, no matter how many times you wish that list you click on has any sort of relevance to your life, you’ll probably find maybe 1/15 of it usually does. Statistically speaking, that’s just awful, and should make anyone want to actually read their horoscopes rather than to waste five-to-10 minutes of your life reading these lists when you could be doing something more productive, like that homework you all procrastinate on because you think you’re doing well in your class when all of a sudden the professor hits you with this massive left- hook curve ball and pretty much challenges everything you know about anything. That’s relatable right?
5. Lists Are Usually Not Short Enough
Case in point, I’m already above the required word count for an article, therefore making this list too long.
8. You’re Not Dumb, But The Authors Just Want You To Be
As mentioned before, the authors of the articles seem to assume that their entire audience (which, on social media, is literally anyone connected in some form or fashion to the internet) are a bunch of incompetent nincompoops with an inability to process more than a couple of words at time without also seeing some sort of relevant picture which may be entirely misleading. With a growing feeling of impatience and anxiety in society, it is easy to see why this form of writing has taken precedence over social media, but unfortunately it is not helping the situation any, either. The world shortens its attention span and those scholarly words and sentence structures you came to know and love in your studies quickly diminish into nothingness, never to be seen or read again.