Season 20 of "The Bachelor" has had many of the core elements that make the show what it is - gossip, backstabbing, a few people who seem to have been cast for their eccentric personalities more than anything else - but certain aspects of the season have been new and refreshing. Most notably for me, there is one contestant in particular that the bachelor seems to have been connecting with a little more than the others. Lauren and Ben were strong right from the beginning, and they haven't really had all of the crazy ups and downs of a typical "Bachelor" relationship. Here are 10 reasons why Lauren should win at tonight's finale:
1. Lauren was first out of the limo
I mean.. That has to mean something, right? Not only did she look stunning, I'm also pretty sure that Ben imprinted on her then and there. It's been pretty clear that there's something extra special between the two of them right from that moment.
2. Ben farted in the hot tub and she still wants him
I think this one speaks for itself. But I'm going to explain it anyway. Basically, one of the biggest relationship milestones is the moment you fart in front of your significant other for the first time. If you can't fart in front of your boyfriend/girlfriend, there's a whole aspect of yourself that you have to constantly hide from them and worry about. So the fact that Ben got this one out of the way early is only a plus in my opinion.
3. She's the least sketchy contestant
By far, she is the contestant who has participated in the least amount of gossiping, girl drama and backstabbing. From what we as viewers can see (although we know that might not be entirely accurate) she is the same person around the girls as she is with Ben. She doesn't try to trick him into thinking she's anything more than herself, although someone tried to make that a thing at one point. Speaking of...
4. She was targeted and handled it like a champ
In a particularly unpleasant twist in the sixth episode of the show, Lauren got thrown under the bus for no reason other than that she had a really strong connection with Ben and the same couldn't be said for all the other girls. A lot of girls would react to this sort of made-up gossip by retaliating with even more gossip and creating more drama, but she didn't. Instead, she made it clear that she didn't know where the accusations came from and that she was really confused and hurt by them.
5. Her family likes Ben
This wouldn't be an important point if it wasn't for the fact that Jojo's family had a pretty weird interaction with him during the hometowns, and it's unclear whether or not her brothers are actually cool with Ben. Yes, Lauren's sister did put Ben on the spot, but in a way that showed her caring about her sister without becoming hostile toward him.
6. She seems like an actual person
"The Bachelor" obviously is a heavily edited show, and it's no secret that the contestants can come off more extreme than what they actually are. However, there is only so much that can be misconstrued, and at the end of the day everyone is responsible for what they say and do on the show. With that being said, Lauren has been refreshingly normal throughout the whole season, and she never fails to seem like a down-to-earth person who's just being herself.
7. She has amazing chemistry with Ben
Let's face it - "The Bachelor" is kind of an awkward show. There are a lot of cringe-worthy moments, especially early on, and this can often happen due to a lack of chemistry between the bachelor and a contestant. However, Lauren and Ben haven't really had any of those, and with each passing week they kept getting more comfortable and more open with each other. In the words of Lauren herself, "Ben's my person."
8. She managed to outshine baby turtles
On one of Lauren and Ben's one-on-one's, they had the opportunity to watch as baby turtles hatched and crawled out into the sea. Even those who haven't seen it can agree that that's the most adorable date idea. Even with what seemed like a million little turtles crawling around in the sand, Ben only had eyes for Lauren - that's saying something.
9. The Internet wants it
Okay, so maybe this isn't the most legitimate reason for Ben to choose which woman to marry, but there seems to be an overwhelming amount of predictions in favor of Lauren:
if Ben doesn't end up with Lauren B my heart will break.
— Lauren Garrison (@L0L0X0X0) March 11, 2016Can't wait to see Lauren B win the bachelor tomorrow night
— sam lopez (@samanthurose) March 14, 2016if lauren b doesn't win the bachelor i will personally go to bens house and drop kick him :) <3
— lex (@lexdepaola) March 11, 2016
If Ben doesn't choose lauren b on the bachelor then love isn't real
— ricki susino (@rickisusino) March 3, 2016
10. Just look at her!
Cutest "The Bachelor" contestant ever? I think so.