When you hear the word Sorority there are typically two types of reactions...one going "You're in a sorority?" and the other typically "Oh my gosh, what sorority are you in?" Either way I am proud to be in a sorority! Although I did not always have this mindset about it. Despite the media focusing on the infrequent incidents that do happen at some chapters, sorority's and fraternities are never really in the lime-light for all of the positive and accomplishments they make in their communities and the world. As my sorority is making a change at our University and in our Greek Life Community, as well as the world, I have never been more proud to be a Greek! These are my top 10 reasons of why being in a sorority changed my life!
10. Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone.
Growing up I was shy! It's not that I didn't want to have fun like everyone else, I just had a fear of not fitting in or feeling out of place. Little did I know as I grew up, I was so diverse in many area's that I never would have realized if I stayed the shy little girl that I used to be! But joining a sorority verified my feeling of getting out of my comfort zone more than ever! I was PETRIFIED of rushing, and I only gave it a go, after having a rough freshman year with my roommates. My sister (biological) encouraged me to give it a try, because she loved her experience. Looking at all of the sorority's offered on your campus will give you the best way to find your HOME and the best fit for you! I LOVE the sorority I chose, it fits all of my morals and standards I stand by, and plus being surrounded by an amazing group of gal friends isn't so bad either!
9. Finding a passion
If you are new to Greek Life in general, every sorority and fraternity has a philanthropy! Pretty much you raise awareness and funds for a cause you believe truly in (this also helped me pick what organization was best for me!) In my case my sorority's philanthropy is breast cancer awareness and education (which hits home deep for me) But finding an organization that cares so much about raising awareness, plus working and volunteering with others who care as much as you do too is so rewarding! If there is one thing that my sorority is known for on our campus, is getting our message out there, walking through our student center you definitely feel like you are on Oprah's talk show and you're taking home all of the prizes!!!
8. Making New Friendships
While rushing you see so many new faces and it can be bit overwhelming! But sometimes you just meet that group of people and you just CLICK! Laughs are made, tears are shed and memories are made! There are so many fun events, date nights and hangouts my sisters and I have had and those times are irreplaceable. From the outside looking in some people may not understand it, but from the inside looking out you do not honestly care if they get it and you wish they weren't missing out!
7. Enjoying Time with People
Whether we are volunteering with a youth group or playing BINGO at a Veteran's Hospital my sisters and I love the activities we get to do with others! Being on a college campus all the time, sometimes makes you forget about everyone that's...well NOT in your age group. So getting to have children brighten our days or listen to the elderly tell us stories and give us advice is always a time we cherish with them!
6. Making Friends From All Over
Joining a sorority may sound close knit when you look at your chapter but there are also hundreds of other chapters who raise awareness for the same cause, just like yours, which brings lots of common interests! Most sororities have a national convention where you meet other from chapters across the state and you celebrate not only your sorority, but the achievements you have made as well! Learning about others makes you closer and brings the sense of a small world even smaller!
5. Learning To Truly Love Yourself and Others
Being in a Sorority is known for the famous Big and Little duo! But Being a Big is so much more than just a title! It's a helping hand, a guider and a person to lean on whenever you need. As you learn about your other sisters you start to learn a lot about yourself and as you start to let your guard down you realize that others and even YOU will start loving yourself for all of the right reasons!
4. Realizing you are Good Alone, but Great as a Team
In a sorority team work is a must to get things done! Although you may want to go and do things yourself it is so much better with collaboration! Having sisters encourage and support you (And also give you a helping hand) is something that you don't always get in a typical college setting. Whether you are working on stuff for a sisterhood, greek week, philanthropy events or other things, know that you are not alone and your sisters want to help make the event great just as much as you do!
3. Being a Well Rounded Individual
At my university, our sorority has to been in another organization besides our sorority! This allows our sisters to join a personal interest club whether it's a club focused on your major, a leadership organization or even a club such as your university's campus media outlet! Along with the two organizations and school work some may take on a job, maybe involved in more clubs or hold a large leadership role! If you think sorority's are the stereotype you see on television, I would like you to take a step back and realize that perception has changed and its honestly never been like that at all!
2. Learning to Enjoy Your 4+ Years of College
When I first arrived at college, I was super serious about my studies! (as I should have been) I was so scared that if I enjoyed college then I would not do well in my classes, so for months I sat in my room on the weekends and just studied alone. After a while I realized it was all about balance! It's not fun when you're missing out on all the fun, and it's not fun when you're partying every week and failing classes...They both pretty much suck, if I may say so...From sorority sisterhoods to socials I have learned to take a break and enjoy life! Yes I still study my butt off and maintain great grades but I have also learned how to reward myself and have fun with my sisters who know me so well and know exactly what I need!
1. Being a Part of Something That's Bigger Than Yourself!
The BEST part about being part of a sorority is helping others!! There is no better feeling than seeing the happiness on someone else's face because of something you have contributed to! Everyday there are women and men encouraging, growing and striving to be the best they can be and help others to be that way as well! Being a greek is more than just a title, wearing greek letters or even earning and winning titles...It is about being a better community, being a better country and making this world a better place for the generations to come, so they can learn and gain some of the best rewards life has to offer them!
If you are thinking about rushing, I encourage you to do it! It is not a commitment, nor are you signing your life away by attending rush week or rushing on your campus, it is truly an opportunity to see what is out there for you, joining greek life is something I NEVER thought I would do, but I am so glad I did! It is truly an amazing opportunity to become the best you and who wouldn't want to do that!?