Solace is truly bliss.
I have always savored the gift of solitude. Silence and peace are things I like to live by. Nothing sounded more inviting than a cozy night in: a change of warm pjs, a tray of snacks, and a snuggly, warm bed to cuddle up and watch Youtube on for the remainder of my night. It all seems like the best thing ever, right? Many people, including myself, choose to be alone instead of out with friends and sometimes just prefer it that way. Don't get me wrong, I love being around people I love more than ever, but sometimes it's nice to come home and be by yourself for some time.
Especially practicing yoga, I have really experienced being alone. It's a good kind of alone, though. Not all introverted people are hermits who hate everything and everyone. I think the biggest misconception about introverted people is that they hate doing "stuff". And that's totally not true. Like many extroverted people, they're not just the "party" type. I would say, that many of us are both, and that's okay. For all of my introverted friends, here's a list of things I think we can all agree are the best parts of being introverts:
1. We can process things clearly and are internally stronger.
All that alone time builds up internal strength, amirite?
2. We have bomb-ass focus skills.
Who knew being one with yourself could be so easy!?
3. We are more compassionate and empathetic.
If Logan Lerman can be this introverted in Perks of Being a Wallflower and extremely cute at the same time, sign me up! I'd like to be alone with him ;)
4. We are great listeners and observers.
I can probably name everybody's weaknesses, talents, pet peeves, and favorite foods just by watching them.
5. Our likelihood to become sick is slim to none.
I mean, no physical contact, no worries!
6. Our priorities are in tip-top shape.
It's pretty easy to remember what actually matters in life when you have so much alone time.
7. We can probably name every Netflix show on the "Trending" page.
I have already re-watched Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, and The Office three times in a row and I feel great.
8. We are incredibly creative and imaginative.
I'm writing this post aren't I?
9. We are less likely to be in awkward social situations.
Yep. Nothing sounds more like a party, than a stay at home party.
10. We are protected from the pettiness that is #lyfe.
11. No one can boss us around.
I'm my own boss.
12. We are more mature.
Puuuh-lease. I know more about taxes than you do.
13. We know our needs and ourselves more.
Don't tell me how to watch Star Wars the "right" way. And most of all, we're just amazing and that's all that matters.