To be fair, I understand that for a lot of people Valentine's Day is a day of love and joy. While I do think that it can be a romantic day between you and your significant other, I don’t V-day one little bit. Especially in the college setting where romance equates to pizza and Netflix.
1. [In college] Valentine's Day is expensive.
In college, V-day can rack up so much money for both parties, when money is not exactly flowing into our bank accounts. Never mind the fact that all the stores jack their prices up to the ceiling just to make it even worse.
2. No one knows why we celebrate it.
Ask anyone on the street, “When I say 'Valentine' what do you think of?” 97 percent would say, “Valentine's Day,” not St. Valentine or any of the historical connections to the day.
3. It’s a double loss.
If you choose to participate in the commercialized BS, then you are a sell-out who has only shown care and love to your significant other because that’s what you are supposed to do. But if you don’t buy anything and do nothing on the day, your significant other is mad. Not fair at all.
4. It is all on the boy.
Why is it that females think that the boy has to do everything? We are in 2015, people! Valentine’s Day is about love, and last time I checked that included both parties. Why is it that the guy is expected to buy the candy and flowers and teddy bears, and we as girls are just supposed to act surprised? No. Valentine's Day is meant for everyone, and I want to see the girls step up and be just as romantic as their men.
5. It materializes your relationship.
Why should how much you like a person depend on how much you spend? So many people in relationships will place value on how much they are given, instead of appreciating that they have someone at all.
6. The music of love crap.
I enjoy a good love ballad every once in a while just like the next person, but as Valentine's Day approaches the amount of silly love songs that are constantly in rotation are enough to make someone’s head spin.
7. The other holidays are so much better.
We can hype up Christmas as a favorite, and most definitely Halloween. When people start saying that V-day is their favorite holiday though, I get a little nauseous.
8. Collegiate Valentine's Day causes confusion.
In college, we are all in the process of finding out who we are, as much as we are trying to get to know others around us. Celebrating Valentine's Day in college is hard; because you really shouldn’t get your friends-with-benefits flowers, but is the girl you're “talking to” going to read too much into the box of chocolates you buy her? For official college couples, they proceed with Valentine's Day as normal, but for the other 20 different non-label-labels that college relationships have, those presents might steer that “relationship” in the wrong direction.
9. Little acts of love should be spread throughout the year, not one day.
I am a firm believer that when you’re in a relationship, the little things count in big ways. Valentine's Day hypes up all of the big gestures for a single day. But then as soon as the day passes, those acts of love disappear, and you’re left bitter about why those things don’t happen more often.
10. If you are single, you are looked down on.
Some people like being single! And Valentine's Day is a day where singles are supposed to be bitter, hate the world and receive pity. That is such crap! Enjoy being single! Enjoy being in a relationship! Valentine's Day should not make you question your relationship status to the point of depression. Just think about all of that sale chocolate that you can eat on Feb. 15.